Family :)

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Viu was sat on Faris' shoulder, eyes closed as he dreamed. They were currently resting on the top of shipwreck, Hades sitting beside Faris, hands supporting him as he lay on his arms, looking up at the green sky above them.

Faris and Hades were lightly talking, about the Wasteland, and what lay before and after it. Hades loved hearing Faris talk about his journeys. Since Hades hasn't left the shipwreck since he first found it, Faris was the one to tell him about the outside world. And how dangerous, peaceful, and beautiful it was. "Though not as beautiful as you." Hades would always whisper to Faris, making the Wastelander blush.

After awhile of talking, the crabshifter slowly started waking up.

"Oh! Look who finally woke up!" Faris said, diverting his attention to the small crab on his shoulder. "How was your nap?" Hades asked, eyes filled with nothing, but love.

Viu just hopped off Faris' shoulder, shifting forms. Now sitting in between the two, he smiled. "It was good. I was imagining me dating someone." Viu chuckled, a light blush on his cheeks.

Faris cooed at the sight, Hades' soft smile not wavering as he looked at the two of them. "Oh yeah? Tell us about it." The krillshifter suggested, laying more comfortably, ears ready to hear whatever the crabshifter said.

"Oh, but you wouldn't enjoy it. You both have heard it 100 times.." Viu whispered. Faris just softly laughed. "And we'd happily hear it again another thousand times." He smiled.

"Well... I imagined that they acted like you, Fare. They were really nice. Polite. They didn't care about the fact I was a shifter," he then diverted his attention to Hades. "And that they were just as fiercely protective of my friends and family like you are, Hades." Viu spoke, a dazed smile on his face. His eyes looked beyond the clouds above.

"And I imagined we had really good communication skills. That we barely ever argue. Like you two." He looked towards his two parental figures.

Faris was in tears, while Hades was just smiling at the crabshifter proudly.

"I love you two. So much." Viu spoke, before he got engulfed in a hug.

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