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'...So you got jealous?'

'No!' I exclaim, really putting the work in to draw out the offence in my voice.

The phone line goes quiet, and I worry I might've done what I once thought to be impossible by rendering Aiden silent. In my brief panic, I try to elaborate.

'Not, it's–You don't understand,' I groan. 'It was horrible; a deep, sharp physical pain that made me feel like I could be sick one minute and suffocate the next.' I sigh, shaking my head. 'My stomach didn't agree with something in my drink, probably.'

Another moment of silence, then, 'so, like, super jealous.'

'Ugh, it's pointless talking to you.'

With that, and despite his muffled apologies from the other end, I snatch my phone from my ear and slam the end call button. I turn onto my stomach, faceplant my bed's plump pillow, then release a long, loud groan that would earn me a visit from emergency services if my flatmates could hear it.

Once I've calmed myself, I return to my back to stare at the ceiling with a long sigh. Nearly three weeks have passed since the night of our double date, and I'd withheld going into detail with Aiden about it for this exact reason. Without bothering to move my head, I scramble around my duvet to feel for my phone, then lift it to my face to find an onslaught of messages.

I'm sorryyyyyyy!! Pls forgive me! :( xxx


That was mean of me, I'm sorry. Your concerns are legit! Make a doc appointment maybe? You might be allergic to something


I'm a terrible person I'm sorry

With a sigh, I give in. He's too difficult to stay mad at.

Forgiven. You're lucky I love you

Aiden replies within seconds.

You know this isn't Preston, right?

I walked right into that one.

I walked right into that one

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The Man Who Lived AgainWhere stories live. Discover now