you'd come back to me- DDOT PT2

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Y/n's POV:
Harlem NY📍
Y/n's house
8:39 PM

and you'd be standing in my front porch light and i knew you'd come back to me, you'd come back to me

right now me and ddot are arguing at my front door,
it got so bad that atp i forgot what we were arguing back, im just confused how why hes back

"please y/n, stop i know what you are doing" ddot said and i immediately stopped talking knowing what he was about to say

"you think i dont know that your still hurting youself?" he said tearing up

"cmon mh, what happened to my blue stars?" he said

"why would you care, you left me like i was nothing, like i was just trash" i said
atp i already knew that dd told ddot that i was hurting myself

"nah nah dont say that, we both know thats not true" as he steps in closing the door

"we forever we aint ever leaving eachother no matter what" he said coming close to me looking at me down since he was a bit taller than me he holds my waist as he places a kiss on my forehead

"you are my girl forever" he said mumbling
tears left my eyes, i hope its true, i need him back and i didnt notice how much i needed him until now.

"lets go draw my blue stars again" he said wiping my tears as he drags my upstairs to my room


he draw small messy blue stars and he looked so focused, after he was done he hugs me and holds me in his arm

"i love you pretty girl" he said
"i love you too mh" i said mumbling since i was so close to falling asleep

hes all i need, hes healing me.

and when i felt like i was an old cardigan under someones bed, you put me on and said i was your favourite.


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2023 ⏰

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