Antonio cullen

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"He did what? Wow see ever since elementary I knew he was gonna grow to be gross" April gagged she and I were in my room and I told her what happened at school

"Right, okay enough talk about him before my brother hears and I don't want him getting expelled" I said changing the conversation

"This top..or this one" I was choosing between two cute tops one was purple with black roses in the corner and the other was a blue with pick flowered in the left shoulder

"Umm neither have class ok" she took out clothes from her bag "this would fit you" she held this beautiful cloud gray silk dress with skinny straps

"Yeah ima go with yours" I threw the shirts and grabbed the shirts putting it on a hanger in the back of my closet


"What does y=mx+b mean?" My algebra teacher asked the whole class was silent, yesterday me and April were up laughing and talking for so long that she ended up staying the night

And this teacher is killing me even more and making me so much more tired. "Anybody? Umm Antonio what about you?" Everybody looked around we all knew each other and Antonio did not ring a bell for this class

"Y=mx+b means slope sir" he answered. This guy has respect I heard snickering from some of the students so I turned and looked at them and they immediately stopped

Thanks to my brothers the school is basically scared of them and if my brothers hear one complain about somebody they would immediately confront the students aggressively well Adonis would, Zion and Roman would find a different way to mess with them

I turned back to Antonio and smiled and fortunately he smiled back meaning a good first impression.


"And I totally didn't mean to set her dress on fire" my mouth dropped at zions words. He was explaining to me about his physics chemistry class and his partner

"Zee you set her dress on fire?"

"Yeah it was cool but also scary she said she sue me.
but due to her having her crush on me I think she'll drop that" he explained I just nodded my head and sat down at our lunch table, Pretty sure if you almost kill a girl they would stop that crush and actually began to hate you

"Whatever you say" I was setting my lunch up and looked to my left seeing Antonio eating alone, April must have caught my gaze because she asked me who it was

"New kid in my algebra his names Antonio we should invite him over"

"I don't know ena I heard stuff about him" Adonis hesitated

"And since when do you listen to other people?" I asked crossing my arms

"Since I seen the most ashest black man in my life, his black why does he look like he doesn't know what lotion is" he stated I rolled my eyes

"We can introduce him to it duh" I got up and walked over to him "hi I'm Athena I'm in your algebra I was wondering if you wanted to sit with me and my friends" I greeted him, he looked up and smiled

"I would like that" he got his stuff and I led him towards my lunch table

"Guys Antonio,Antonio these are the creeps I sit with besides the girls of course" everyone went around introducing themselves


"So Antonio what brings you to la push high" Roman asked

"I use to go to forks high school but I blew up a science room and pulled to many pranks so I got expelled" he explained everybody looked at him eyes wide besides Zion, Zion looked at him like he was the most coolest human being ever

"Really what type of pranks? Was anybody in the room when it happened? Was that the final straw the school had with you? Are you single? because my sister is single and you guys should get married so you could be my brother in law and we could be like a prank duo we coul-" He spoke fast

"Enough Zion he isn't getting married to ena and none of that so shut that down, and ask one question dude and let him speak" Adonis cut him off
Getting a 'sorry'

"It's fine" Antonio chuckled "I did a lot of pranks some that nearly killed me and nobody was in the room when I exploded the science room. I didn't even try to blow it up I was just trying to make my volcano"

I shook my head at Antonio's words but felt a stare I looked around but couldn't see anybody staring at me in the cafeteria it got to the point where I was feeling uncomfortable still looking around but all of a sudden I got this calm feeling and looked at my table everybody was doing what they were

Leaving me confused about what just happened. Was somebody staring? Why did I start feeling calm after feeling uneasy so fast?

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