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After showing me around Jeonghan and I went back upstairs to where some of the others where. Spread about between the kitchen and living room.

Jeonghan smiles as he gestures towards the living room "Go, feel free to relax I think they're watching Moana, and don't worry I promise they don't bite." Once he's finished speaking he gives me one last smile before going towards the Island table.

I was thinking of just going back up to my room as anything would be better than having to sit next to the people who you have literally idolized your entire life. But I really don't want to give off a bad impression.

As I walk up to the living area a few familiar faces turn to look at me *fuck, I can't do this*
"Oh hi you're wongii, right. It's nice to meet you" Joshua said in the familiar tone "I was told your from England"

"Oh, hello. It's a pleasure to meet you too Joshua sunbeanim"  I say as Joshua pays the spot on the couch next to him.

"Come sit, and it's hyung, please we want you to feel comfortable"

I make my way over to him and mutter a thank you  as I sit down.

~1 hours later~

We ended up watching Moana and just as it was getting to the scene where Moana gives the heart back to Tafiti seungcheol comes into the room.

"Hey wongii" I look up at him and he gestures for me to follow him.

Standing up, I say a quick goodbye to the others in the room but none of them really noticed as they were too busy watching the movie.

I make my way out of the living area and towards the kitchen island where seungcheol is with a couple others.

"You needed me Seungcheol hyung"

"Yes, my manager just called and they're asking for you at the company. So I need you to get dressed and come back down here so I can take you to the company." Seungcheol says.

"Oh, ok. I'll go get changed then thank you" I turn around and walk to my room getting changed and washing up.

~Fit check~

Making my way back downstairs I see Seungcheol putting his shoes on

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Making my way back downstairs I see Seungcheol putting his shoes on."I was Just about to come get you" he says reaching over to a hook on the wall with a set of keys on it.
I quickly put my shoes on and follow him as he starts walking out the door and towards a car.

He gets in and I follow suit getting in the passenger side. "Please don't be nervous about this, I'm pretty sure it's just a meeting to go over some things like your manager and what to do social media wise".

Nodding I ask "hyung are you gonna be in there with me or am I going in alone"
"I'll try to be there. I don't see why I can't be in the meeting, but don't worry about it"

"Thank you seungcheol hyung, is it alright if I have my headphones in while we're on the way?" I ask.

"Oh, ye of course Wongii-shi. That's fine"

"Thank you hyung" I put one headphone in but leave the one facing seungcheol off.

~15 mins later~

We pull up to what I can only assume is the back entrance of one of the hype buildings. After stopping and parking the car we both get out and I take my headphone out putting them in my pocket and making sure to put my phone on silent before putting that in my pocket too. We make our way into the building and Seungcheol scans some kind of ID card to get into the main building. seungcheol waves at the front desk worker he waves back, all i can do is give him a small smile and continue following seungcheol deeper into the building. 

We make our way towards an elevator at the end of the corridor, stepping in and pressing the 11th floor button. Now that i am so close to starting everything i can feel my nerves bubbling in my stomach and my hands start to vibrate. *What if my manager doesn't like me?* *What if the CEO doesn't think i'm a good fit and sends me back home to england?* Where would i live if i got sent back?* My thoughts were spiralling in my head and everything was fuzzy around me.

"Hey, Wongii. you doin all right you're shacking, you know this isn't something to be worried over, whats on your mind?" It was Seungcheols genuine concern that broke me out of my thoughts.

"It's nothing really, i'm just kinda worried about what will happen in the CEO doesn't think i'm ready to be moved out here perminently, i don't know what i would do if i had to go back to england." The other person in the elevator gave me a look before saying.

"I'm pretty sure that if the CEO decided to move you out here he isn't just going to send you back, and besides wouldn't you just move back in with your parents" He looked at me again and i couldn't help but avert my eyes. The floor of the elevator looked rather appealing right now. I stopped myself for a second trying to figure out what to say, do I lie, or do I tell him.

"Well, you see. My parents umm, it's kind of complicated, you know. I may havedissapeiredinthemiddleofthenightandonlyleftanoteonthefridgetellingthemiwasmovingtokorea." it all kind of jumbled out at once and i could feel Seungcheol giving me a look.

"Can you repeat that i don't think i got any of it"

"Uh ye sorry, umm. I may have disappeared in the middle of the night and only left a note on the fridge telling them i was moving to korea." i say finally looking away from the floor.

"You did what now." Seungcheol said "Do you know-" He started before the elevator opened. "I would like to talk to you about that later"

"okay that's fine" 

We exit the elevator and make our way down the corridor towards a white door it had a silver plack with park jiwon written on it.

Seungcheol knocks on the door and we hear a 'come in' from the other side.

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