1 「U P S T A I R S」8

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𝐋𝐎𝐎𝐊𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐃𝐎𝐖𝐍 𝐀𝐓 𝐇𝐈𝐒 𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋, Jacob was quickly overwhelmed with guilt as he watched her lay there with her eyes closed

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𝐋𝐎𝐎𝐊𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐃𝐎𝐖𝐍 𝐀𝐓 𝐇𝐈𝐒 𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋, Jacob was quickly overwhelmed with guilt as he watched her lay there with her eyes closed.

Yet he could still see her eyelids flinch now and then when she slightly shifted to one side of the other, and a twinge of pain ended up running through her.

So he decided to speak up.

"I'm so sorry Bunny." Jacob spoke up almost immediately as Charlie left the room, his words causing Catherine to lean back up and look at him confused.

"It wasn't your fault Jacob," She said trying to laugh the boy off but quickly stopped as the small chuckle only made her bruised side hurt even worse. "I should have been more careful."

"No, I should've ridden with you," Jacob was quick to contradict her words, in his mind this was everyone's fault but his Bunnie's, she could never do any wrong in his eyes. "you wouldn't have been hurt if you'd been with me."

As he spoke Jacob slowly lowered his head as the guilt began eating him up inside and seeing that sad guilt-ridden look on his face, Catherine could only muster a small frown.

"I wouldn't have just let Bella ride by herself," Catherine said as she dipped her head to meet Jacob's eyes, a small sincere smile on her face as she look up at him. "it's my fault Jacob, and I'm sorry."

Realizing there would be no way for him to convince the girl it was his and Bella's fault, mostly Bella's, Jacob still decided there was a chance to keep the guilt from building in the girl as it had done him.

"Don't apologize to me Bunny," He said lightly laying his hand on her cheek, his thumb lightly stroking her face as he looked at her with a gentle smile of his own. "just want you to get better."

"I will," She said nodding her head filled with determination as she leaned further into his hand, loving the warmth that developed from it. "promise."

Letting out a larger smile, Jacob slowly leaned down to capture the girl into another kiss, although before their lips could meet, they were quickly interrupted by Charlie walking back into the room.

Luckily having not noticed the soft fluffy and intimate moment they were in the middle of having.

"Alright kid," Charlie spoke as he walked in causing Catherine to quickly push Jacob away with her eyes wide, so caught up in their moment she hadn't heard the man walking back into the room. "here you go."

With that, the man handed the large ice pack over to the girl, who nodded her head again in thanks, although in complete truth there wasn't much need for it.

Catherine could already feel her bruise starting to clear up under her skin, at most, it would take two or maybe three days to heal, if she were a normal human a bruise of this size would most likely take months.

But that didn't stop her from hesitantly laying the icepack over her side, quickly letting out a small whimper/wince at the sudden slam of cold over her side.

"Jacob, can you take her to her room," Charlie spoke up again as he watched her fully set the ice pack over her side, his voice causing the two to look over at him. "I've got to get back down to the station."

"Yes Sir." Jacob nodded his head as he got back up off his kneeling position in front of her, the boy getting ready to pick his girl up and carry her to her bedroom.

"I trust there will be no funny business." Charlie stated as he wagged his index finger at the two of them, his words causing a blush to come over Catherine's face.

The girl looked everywhere except at her Uncle, although Bunnies were very open about their sexual experiences, it was usually with other Bunnies who knew what they were going through.

So just a hint of talking about it with her human Uncle was completely out of the question for Catherine, it was just as weird and awkward as Bella always was.

"No sir," Jacob quickly shook his head with a dead serious look on his face, before he paused and motion back to Catherine with a teasing look on his face. "not with her side like this at least."

Hearing this Charlie almost immediately let out a loud barrel of chuckles, he hadn't expected the young man to be so open about something like that.

To be honest, he was hoping the boy was only joking to ease the tension in the room, Catherine on the other hand was completely appalled as her eyes widened.

"Jacob." She scolded the boy in a low voice as she reached over hitting the back of his leg, the blush on her face only growing to a deeper red color even on her tan skin.

"Sorry, sorry, I'm just kidding," Jacob said with a little chuckle whilst shrugging with an adorable smile on his, before he leaned over to help the girl off of the couch. "come on."

With that, the boy was quick to put his arm under hers, slowly lifting her off the couch and pausing every time he heard her wince or whimper

"Do I have to go upstairs?" Catherine asked no one in particular, as she looked up the, now, unnecessary amount of stairs in the Swan residence.

Then there was another set of stairs that she needed to climb to just make it to her bedroom, she knew that every step she took would hurt her side even more.

"Yes, you can't just sit in pain on the couch," Charlie spoke up from behind her and Jacob, his arms crossed over his chest with a small wince on his face. "trust me, that couch is anything but comfortable."

There had been many drunken nights where Charlie didn't have the energy to make it up the stairs, causing him to pass out on the couch only to wake up with a very stiff and achy back.

"Now I have to go," Charlie continued to speak after glancing over at the clock on the wall, if he stayed any longer he would be more than late for work. "I better not get home and see you anywhere else but your bed."

With that, the man gave his niece a small kiss on the back of her head, and gave Jacob a very pointed look and glare, before he walked out of the door.

His chest filled with concern for the young girl, wishing he could stay home, but he knew there was no chance of that as he was the town's only Sheriff.

Now back inside the house.

"Come on I was promised a movie date with popcorn," Jacob said as he helped the girl up the first few steps, going nearly as slow as a turtle to not hurt her side.

Hearing his words, Catherine couldn't help but give him a large smile, despite the somewhat medium amount of pain she felt at each step she took.

"You still wanna?" She asked slightly shocked but even more excited as she looked over at him, causing both of them to pause on the 7th stair.

"Yeah," Jacob said nodding his head as if she'd asked a completely outrageous question, I mean nothing was going to stop him from staying and taking care of her. "unless you're just using me to take you upstairs and are going to kick me out the moment I get you up there."

"No way." Catherine said shaking her head happily, she was really happy he was going to stay with her right now, she honestly didn't even know why she thought he wouldn't.

He was just about the perfect boyfriend.

"Then let's go have our date, Bunny." He said with his large dopey smile before he turned back forwards, determined to help her up to her bed so they could start the movie marathon.

All to Catherine's happiness, as she now went up the stairs a little bit faster, wanting to make it to her comfortable nest as fast as she could.

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