when Lisa doesn't feel well

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"God, I'm so tired," Jennie said as she entered the bedroom.

She just arrived home from a long photoshoot that took up most of her day and she was feeling the exhaustion catching up to her.

"What a day." She sighed before looking over to the bed. "How was your day, my love?" She asked Lisa, who was curled up in bed.

At first, Jennie thought she was just sleeping.

But when she stepped closer to Lisa, she realized that something wasn't right.

She went over to the bed and heard the quiet groans that Lisa was letting out.

Beside the bed, she had a bucket on the floor and she was clutching her stomach as though it was aching.

"Baby, what's the matter?" She asked as she ran her hand across Lisa's forehead.

"I don't feel good," Lisa mumbled.

Jennie could tell that Lisa was running a slight fever as her forehead and cheeks felt warm against her fingertips.

"My poor girl." She said as she kissed Lisa's head softly. "Why didn't you call me and tell me?"

"Because you were busy. I didn't want to bother."

"You're never a bother," Jennie assured as she ran her fingers through her hair. "It doesn't matter though. I'm home now, so I can take care of you. Have you eaten?"

"Don't mention food, please." Lisa groaned. "Just the thought of it makes me feel nauseous."

Jennie couldn't help but frown.

Seeing her girl like this broke her heart.

Of course, there have been times over the last few years that they've both been sick but this is the first time that one of them has been sick since they became a couple and it hit Jennie hard to see Lisa feeling so terrible.

"Do you think you're going to throw up?"

Lisa shrugged her shoulders as Jennie brushed her fingers across her arm.

"You feel warm. You're starting to run a fever. I wonder if you're coming down with the flu. It's going around." Jennie said worriedly.

She brushed her fingers across Lisa's arm soothingly and though it didn't take away her pain, it lessened her discomfort slightly and she couldn't help the hum that left her lips.

"Do you need anything? How about some water?"

"I got some already. I'm just not thirsty."

"I can make you some soup and put it away for later. Or I can run you a bath. Maybe that'll help you feel a little better."

"Jennie," Lisa chuckled slightly as Jennie was about to leave the room, prepared to do anything that would make her girlfriend feel even just a little bit better. "I don't need anything but you."

"Are you sure?" Jennie asked as she brushed her hand across Lisa's warm forehead.

"Yeah, I'm sure," Lisa replied. "Just give me some cuddles and I'll be alright."

"Well, why would I ever say no to that?" Jennie asked before climbing into bed with Lisa.

As soon as her back touched the mattress, Lisa was moving into her embrace.

She laid her head on Jennie's chest and listened to her heartbeat, finding comfort in the sound.

She also felt comforted by the feeling of Jennie's warm arms wrapping around her.

It was especially soothing because she was starting to shiver as she came down with the chills.

"Are you okay?" Jennie asked worriedly before grabbing the blanket and bringing it up to Lisa's shoulders.

She tangled her legs with Lisa's and ran her hand across her back as she held her tightly, trying to warm her up and comfort her to make her feel better.

"I've got you, baby."

"I know," Lisa mumbled against Jennie's chest, smiling a little. "I'm okay."

Jennie didn't really believe her, but that was just the worried girlfriend in her.

"Try and get some rest. Maybe you'll feel better in the morning."

"I'm feeling better already, thanks to you."

Jennie's heart fluttered as the words left Lisa's lips.

It warmed her heart so much to hear her say that.

"Good," Jennie whispered. "Get some rest. I love you."

"I love you too," Lisa spoke as she started to fall asleep, safe and warm in Jennie's embrace after a long day spent without her.

And Jennie wouldn't dare let her go until she knew that she was feeling better, no matter what.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2023 ⏰

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