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A palace can become a lonely place.It's never ending hallways make it seem like no one lives there.

The only time this place felt lively was when there were big events or parties. This is how the prince felt.


Yes he had his knight by his side and his little cat.But no one to really talk a lot to.

He always found himself either in his bedroom,the fantastical garden,or the library.

He often sketched his surroundings in a neat little book,he would sketch people he saw or animals he loved.

He would always show his cat,Bucket, the sketches he created and they would give a positive little meow to them.

Stanley sat in the library just doodling away.He sat near the big open window,taking in the nice morning air.

Stanley looked over at bucket and smiled,they were purring in their sleep as Stanley pet them softly.

He frowned a bit,remembering the arrangement he had to do.

He was to be married to a princess that was chosen for him by his parents.

He didn't want this.He did not want to be married to someone he barely knew.

Not some princess he doesn't know at all.

He wanted someone who would care and stick by his side all the time.

Talk about the things that he found interesting and share all sorts of things with him.

He wanted someone to listen to.

He smiled a bit thinking about the kind of person he wants to be with.

He flipped to a new page and started sketching,he drew the palace garden and then drew himself.

He finished,but he left a space beside him,it was a space that he'd fill sooner or later.

He sighed,setting down his pencil looking over at his cat,bucket walked over and was picked up by Stanley.

He walked over to a shelf and set his book on it,then he made his way out of the library.

He looked over all the paintings that lined the hallway as he walked.

"Hey Stanley!".He turned around to see his knight,Mariella.

Stanley waved to her."Stanley your parents are requesting to see you right now."

He made a tired face but straightened up.He knew what this might be about.

Mariella laughed a bit at the face Stanley made.

[Do you think you can take him to my room?]

She nodded and took the cat from his arms.

He signed a quick thank you to her and made his way to his parents.

As he walked he felt like time was excruciatingly slow.

These hallways felt never ending,the doors that lined the hall all looked the same and made it seem endless each time you passed one.

He wished there was someone that could talk to him as he walked through the corridors.

He enjoyed hearing stories from all kinds of people,fictional or true,it didn't matter.

He soon arrived to the door of the throne room.He hesitated for a moment.

Taking a deep breath,he opened the door and walked in.

His mother and father sat upon their thrones.


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