The Bite

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I layed on Scotts bed as he laced up his lacross stick. " I mean come on I just wanna play one game and not be on the side lines, ya know, but no I have to be a weak link and be side lined" He ranted on " Scotty I get it, hopefully one day you'll grow out of your asthma" I said sympathetically" no Alex you dont. You always get on the team, understand the school work hell,almost every boy in the school wants you" he said, making me feel bad. ' if only he knew' I thought before we heard a noise come from downstairs " what was that?" I asked as if he knew. " I dont know, but I know you, so I know your not gonna stay up here, so stay behind me" he said before he grabbed the bat from beside the door. We descended the stairs slowly, although I knew the danger wasn't in the house. Once we were outside I caught a scent I realized there was no actual danger,but Scott didn't know that considering that as soon as Stiles swung down from the roof Scott tried to swing on him " arrrgggghhh" they both called in unison as I began to cry with laughter "why do you have a bat?" Stiles asked as he came down " I thought you were a predator " Scott said, and I snorted with laughter, causing them to look at me " wait you knew and was gonna let him beat me to a pulp?" Stiles asked over dramatically" no actually, I didn't know it was you until I saw your jeep and he was already swinging " I said once I caught my breath. " what do you want Stiles ?" Scott asked " well, since you wanna be rude ill tell Alex, ok so my dad just got a call and they found a body at the preserve" Stiles said, reeking of excitement" if they found the body what are we going in for?" Scott asked, not being able to resist. " that's the best part, they only found half" he said with a sick grin on his face " No!" Scott and I said in unison " come on guys, this is our last little bit of summer fun" Stiles said " No. " we responded " the thing is, I'm going anyway and this is the only way you guys can ensure I dont get mawled by a wild creature, or accidentally lick poison ivy" he said saying random things, I knew Scott was caving " ok" I said as I turned around and went in the house to put some clothes on. I know what your thinking, you two are related? No we're just best friend's, we all are, and I prefer to stay here at night considering that sometimes my uncle has to pull all nighter at the clinic, or what ever it is he's doing at the moment. I changed into this and got into Stiles' jeep.(original)


" shouldn't the severe asthmatic be the one to hold the flashlight " Scott asked as he took a puff of his inhaler" um... Stiles, what half of the body are we looking for?" I asked, knowing that he hadn't taken that into consideration " I um I didn't think about that part actually" he said, " and what if the killer is still here?" I asked " um, I didn't think about that either" he said " oh my gosh I love you planning skills Stiles" I said as we continued walking, suddenly something happened and Stiles took off with Scott and I on his tracks, he fell and I reached to grab him but Scott pulled me back, just as I heard a growl, " wait! Thus little delinquent belongs to me" said Papa Stilinski, in that moment Stiles knew he was screwed. " hey dad" stiles said nonchalantly " so do you listen in in all of my phone calls?" asked the Sheriff as Stiles stood up. " no not the boring ones" he said as if that made it better. " so where are you usual partners in crime?" asked the sheriff as he flashed his flashlight towards the tree we were hiding behind, causing me to snuggle deeper into Scotts shirt.

" Scott, and Alex, they didn't come, Scott said something about wanting a head start in school tomorrow and Alex... She , she has cramps really bad" he said ' note to self: kill stiles' " Scott, Alex. You out there?" the sheriff called, with one more flash of his lights. When he got no response he continued on " ok, now come with me back to your car, and well have a little discussion on privacy" said the sheriff. Once he left the search progressed deeper into the woods. " come on Alex, we gotta go, Stiles was our ride" Scott said as he began walking away, as I was walking behind him I smelled something. An alpha, and not only that but it smelled familiar. " Scott wait up" I whisper yelled, then I heard something hit the ground and roll " crap my inhaler" Scott called, I saw him bend over, but I couldn't see much due to the fact that Stiles had the flashlight, all of a sudden I heard an "arrgh" and leaves rustle, " Scott!" I called " where are you, are you alright?" I called " I'm fine, I'm fine, um Alex... I found the other half of the body" he said, just then a deer ran by and knocked me down. " Alex run" Scott called, and I knew why. The alpha was less then 20 feet away, I used my wolf eyes and saw him, he was standing on the other side of the creek and Scott and the body was between us, the alpha looked at me with recognition and confusion. He broke his stare when Scotts heart rate increased, Scott didn't even notice me, he was panicking over the. Creature. The wolf lunged forward and bit Scott " Scott! " I yelled, as the creature jumped over my head ' oh my god. No this cant happen' I thought as I raced to the bottom if the small cliff. I know I'm a were wolf too but I'm a beta, closer to the lines of an omega, I have no pack, which mean that I don't stand a chance against him. ' My uncles gonna kill me" I thought. " Scott lets go we gotta get out of here" I said as I grabbed his hand and ran in the opposite direction of the alpha, we came across a road, we were running so neither of us acknowledged the red jeep coming towards us as we dashed across the road.

"lemme see it " I said once Scott sat down on his bed, ' feel terrible for letting this happen but how was I supposed to know that was gonna happen? And what am I gonna do against an Alpha? ' i thought as he lifted his shirt to show me the massive bite mark on his rib cage " holy shit" i said " Stiles is never gonna believe this. I was bitten by a wolf" Scott said as he picked up his phone. " Scott so you mind if I sleep in your bed tonight?" I asked " yea sure" he said, and I went to 'my' room and changed and came back to find him shirtless with a huge gauze pad on his hip to his back" good night" I said as I snuggled into the side of him that isn't bitten. ' this is gonna be a long year' I thought as I drifted off into unconsciousness.

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