Together- A Camren Fanfic

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Sorry if this sucks , but this is my first fanfic :p #Harmonizer



"Lauren it's time to get up!!!" I heard my mom calling from down stairs as I smelled bacon. I had been feeling really crappy this whole week and didn't really feel like going to school. My boyfriend Keaton had broken up with me two weeks ago and I still felt horrible. I was still lost in my thoughts when my little sister, Taylor, walked in. "Lauren mom wants you to go down stairs and have breakfast" she said. I hesitantly got out of bed a headed to the bathroom to take a quick shower. I walked downstairs after I had finished changing and sat down next to my dad as my mom put a plate of pancakes and bacon in front of me. After I was done eating I ran upstairs to grab my backpack and then headed to school, where I would have to see Keaton.


I wasn't really looking forward to my first day at Mar Vista High School. I had never been good at making friends - I mean I was shy and awkward. "Bye dad" I said as I closed the car door and walked towards the front doors feeling nervous. And then I got lost in my thoughts, "What if everyone hates me? What if I crash into someone? What if..." I stopped in the middle of my thoughts as the bell rang. "Oh shit!" I thought, "it's my first day here and I'm already late!" Fortunately I had Choir for first period and the teacher, Mr.C, was really cool and said it was fine, but only because it was my first day.


Sorry the chapter was so short but I'll try to update everyday :)


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