Chapter Four: Maybe Possibly Jealousy

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Double update yay!! Guys you don't know how happy i am right now! you've reach the goal not even an hour after I uploaded it! Say what?? I love you all!

A l e x a n d r a

The phone rang again, for the nth time. I'm starting to feel a bit guilty for not answering..

Okay, maybe I'm starting to feel guilty a lot, but I'm too proud to say sorry.

I'm not stupid, I know now that Logan didn't really beat up my stupid ex boyfriend. I don't really care about that douche, I just care for Logan a lot and if ever he was the one who beat Adam up, I know he wouldn't stand down. He'd get Logan back for it and that scares me.

But when Logan looked so confused, I knew he didn't do it. I just, I've embarrassed myself enough for nothing, and of course, when I do forgive him, he'd ask me why I got so mad in the first place. I'd rather die than admit to him that I was scared of the possible thought of him getting hurt.

"Aren't you going to answer that?" Emily, my stylist and best friend, asks me as she pulls at my hair.

I hissed at the harsh contact, glaring at her and muttering a "no,"

"Why not?" She says, pulling at my again.

"Ouch! Can you please be careful? I won't have any hair left after this if you don't!" I tell her, gripping my scalp.

"That's the plan, honey."

I sent another aggressive glare her way, making her put up her hands up and widening her eyes. "I'm kidding."

"Seriously, Alex, you need to loosen up. If it's about Logan, you know you could-"

"It isn't about Logan!" I snapped. "What makes you think it is?"

"Well, he's been ringing you for quite some time now, hasn't he?" She cocks an eyebrow, making me huff. I hate it when she's right.

"I just, I assumed things and got mad at him, and I know now that I was wrong." I explained, slumping my shoulders.

"Just swallow your pride and apologize." she rolls her eyes at me, before resuming her work and getting another piece of my hair to curl.

"It's not that easy." I mumbled, looking down. I fiddled with my fingers as I hear Emily let out a sigh.

"I know, Hun, but if you really value your relationship, you'd do it. No matter how embarrassing it is." She places a hand in my shoulder, making me look up at her in the mirror.

"Sometimes, admitting your mistakes is the only thing missing from a perfect relationship." She finishes.

"Friendship." I corrected her, making her raise her eyebrows at me.

"If you say so." she winked before patting my shoulder once again and fixing her things.

"I'll see you outside. Get ready."

I heaved a loud sigh as I let my eyes wander to the closet in the dressing room I'm in. I was currently backstage at a conference for Percy Jackson and The Olympians: The Sea of Monsters, and I knew I couldn't avoid Logan any further.

I stood up from my chair and headed to the closet to get dressed. I didn't forget to lock the dressing room door just in case someone comes in without knocking.

I removed my comfy sweats and carefully put on the dress I have to wear for tonight. Emily would kill me if I ruined her "masterpiece".

I slip on my heels that made me look like a giant, which I hate to pieces. I know that Logan isn't really that tall and all, and I hate making him look smaller when I stand next to him in my killer heels. He doesn't say anything about it, but I know it bothers him.

Amyes (Logandra) (Logan Lerman+Alexandra Daddario)Where stories live. Discover now