Litle reding hood mash up

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Mom: Red pls bring this basket of goodies to your grandmother.

Red: Ok mom


* Red looks at a tree with a sign that say " you are invited to the royal ball in princess Cinderella'castle"*

Red:hmmmm..... maybe i should go there.

wolf:hi litle girl

Red:hi Mrs.wolf

wolf: now give me that basket of goodies!!!

Red: No!!!!

wolf: yes!!!

Red: yes

wolf: No..... wait what your not suppose to do that kid...

*mrs.wolf runs away*

Red:oh look the castle

man: welcome to princess Cinderella's castle

*Red goes in the castle*

Cinderella: look i have a glass slipper

Red: give it to me * red took the glass slipper*

monkey prince: i will kiss u my princess

Red:ewww a monkey *she put away the slipper*

*Red leaves the castle*

Red:OMG.A small house

*red goes in the house*

Red: nobody is here.

*knock knock*

*red opens the door*

old lady:hi


old lady: are you hungry?


old lady: here a apple *old lady gives the apple*

red: Thank you

old lady:are going to eat it ?

red: no maybe its poison

*old lady runs away*

red:oh look grandmother home

*suddenly mrs.wolf came*

mrs.wolf:give me food!!! an apple..*red give her the apple*

*mrs.wolf ate the apple and fall to the ground*

red:so it is poison.

monkey prince: i will kiss her from her deep sleep

mrs.wolf: ewwww... a monkey*and she leave the place*

red: awkward.........

Little Red Riding Hood Mix-UpWhere stories live. Discover now