I was jus tryna get my dawg. 1

152 7 3

You yawned as you watched the scenery pass around you. You had to wake up early in the morning because of your parents. Who knew moving to a new house in a new state would be difficult? But here you were. Being a California person to a Nevada person. Whoohoo.

But you weren't too sad about it, as long as your family and yourself were happy you didn't care. Plus back in California, you had dropped a lot of fake friends. So it was luggage off your back.

You didn't live in the middle of California either, like the city or rows and rows of houses, yeah nah. Your family owned a farm and you had moved here on the outskirts of Jasper, Nevada to continue farm life here. Your mother had situated a better job here and it felt freer than in California. Your father was more on the farm life and building stuff. You and your little sister were in the middle of both but your sister preferred farm life more and you liked messing with electronic devices and other random things that interested you. 

But here you all would have a new start in Jasper, Nevada.


"Ay, Ma where do I put this box down?" You asked as you carried a pretty heavy box inside the 2 story house.

She walked into the room and pointed to a corner where there wasn't a stack of boxes at. Your sister then jogged inside the house.

"Have you guys seen Booger? I saw him running around a bit then we put boxes in the house and I haven't seen him since." Your sister asked as she looked at you and your mom. Your mom quirked her brow at her.

"I saw him running around your father when he was checking the pens out back, have you asked him?" Your mom asked as she started checking the labels of the boxes.

"Yeah, I asked dad he said he saw booger near the end of our road and that was it." Your sister said as she looked at you and tilted her head, you shook your head in a no.

"Y/n go find booger." Your mom said as she turned around to look at you.

"Wha?" You questioned in return as you tilted your head. Your sister started laughing. "What about Jules?" You asked trying to get out of the chore.

"Julieta's going to help me empty these boxes and set up our home. Plus booger listens to you more." Responded your mom. It was your turn to laugh and your sister's to groan.

"Well mush, Boogers is out there discovering a new world alone. Get your skateboard and go find him." Your mother said as she tossed you your hoodie(or another article of clothing).

"Ma did you see where I put my skateboard?" You asked as you slipped on your (f/c) hoodie.

"Next to the truck." Answered your mom as she turned back around. You and your sister looked at each other, motherly instincts are wild.

You check your pockets, phone, wallet, keys, and pocket knife. You were good to head out. You walked up to the gray truck your dad owned and found your skateboard next to it. You kicked it up and went to the flatter part of the roads.

You looked around you and then went in the direction of the flat road.


You had come across this path off of the road which you had to pick your skateboard up for. You walked onto the path and called out for your dog.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2023 ⏰

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Man, I was just supposed to get my dog. (Transformers Prime x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now