Chapter 1

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There he was again, running side by side with Sam and Tucker. They all had just caught Skulker and was about to be late to class. But just in time for the late bell the ran into the classroom taking a seat next to one another. Valarie mouthed "Good job," showing them a thumbs up, she had stayed behind in class to make sure the ghost didn't come twords the others. Nodding in appreciation Danny took out two notebooks while the others took out one, and started doodling in the one with a fantasy themed cover. Ignoring Mr. Lancer when he started talking he finished up his drawing from the day before. It was Dash Baxter, sitting on a bench cooling off with sweat dripping down his face. He had a towel around his neck and was wearing the football uniform. He was drinking out a bottle while others were in the grass behind him practicing. It was drawn in such detail to the point that it would have made the art teacher look like an amateur.

"Well today we will have some guests in consideration of the trip we will be going on," the class started to mutter to each other trying to guess who it was, that included team Phantom, who had expanded a few members and changed over the last two years. Two people have joined them, Valarie, and Danny's boyfriend, Dash Baxter. Every member had somehow changed, Tucker now had long dread locks held back in a ponytail with an orange hair tie and wore a oversized black turtleneck and black pants. He also had a orange bracelet just like Val's that holds a suit similar to hers but it's black with green accents. Val hadn't really changed much but she changed out her skirt with jeans. Sam changed only a little, her hair was longer and her clothes changed from a skirt to black jeans and a long sleeve purple shirt, also a little oversized. She now also has a bracelet but it's green and the suit is green with black accents. Danny now wore a long sleeved also oversized shirt and black sweatpants. The over sized shirts allowed them to hide there muscles, scars, and tattoos they each held. Some had more of each than others.

None of them were paying attention to the teacher or anyone at that point, well that was until someone they all recognized barged into the room. "HELLO!!" There stood Danny's supposedly parents. Knowing it wasn't anything good, so Danny decided to stop ignoring the conversation going on but still continued to draw. "Hello class today we are here to inform you of the trip you will be going on..." Maddie trailed off when her eyes reached her son, seeing as he wasn't paying attention she wanted to see what it was that was more important than his mother. Walking up to him she grabbed the unusual notebook that he was scribbling in, and shut it violently.

"What is it that is so important to the point you aren't paying attention to your parents, Danny," She said looking at the cover of the book.

Danny looked at Tucker, "'Γαμημένο σκατά, Τάκερ βοήθησέ με!!"(Fucking shit, Tucker help me!)

"Μπα φίλε είσαι μόνος σου,"(Nah man your on your own) Tucker explained, he didn't want Maddie on his tail either.

Looking back at Maddie the halfa froze, he accidentally just used Greek Infront of the class. He glanced at his boyfriend then his other friends, pleading for his help only to get a look of sympathy instead. "It's umm a personal project?" Danny answered well more like questioned it.

Maddie now angered started to walk twords the front of the class. "Ok, well let's see what this personal project is shall we. Oh and I don't think the class would mind seeing it either," She had reached the front and reopened the book to the page from before and showed it to everyone before looking at it. She expected looks of unsureness but instead got ones of interest, so she turned the book around and looked inside. What she saw shocked her, it was a perfect depiction of Dash during practice. Both Mr. Lancer and Jack looked over her shoulder to also be shocked to the core not expecting this kind of talent from the halfa.

Maddie huffed and gave the book back to Danny, she then continued on explaining why they are there. "Anyways as I was saying we are here to inform you on the trip you will be going on, you all get to go..."

Jack then shouted loudly, "THE GHOST ZONE," Now this caused the team to internally panic, Sam was now saying every curse word in Latin, Tucker was violently typing on his PDA, Val was fidgeting with her modified bracelet, and Danny well he was hitting his head on his desk really hard. He really didn't want to deal with them at that point, plus in a few days he was going to officially move into Phantom's keep anyway. Why couldn't they waited till next week?

Once all of the other students settled down they could finally hear the banging coming from behind them. Low and behold it was Danny, this angered Maddie for some unknown reason, thus she shouted at him to stop. Mr. Lancer taking note of this decided to talk to the boy and Jazz later about their parents. Though the conversation was still going on and Danny stopped hitting his head they all got super tense and nervous. Which didn't go unnoticed by a few students. Once team Phantom had a silent agreement on the matter they tuned back into the conversation.

"So everyone be at FentonWorks by 7:30 tomorrow morning," and with that they were finally free to leave. Since team Phantom already planned to stay at Danny's place they didn't have to worry about leaving the house at an early time.

👻-------time skip------👻

Danny was pacing in his room, going over every possibility of what could go wrong until Dash stopped him. "Don't worry about it love, you can't control what happenes. Plus we are prepared for everything, we all have our weapons and medical equipment."

The halfa smiled sweetly to his love, "thanks hubby," the blonde walked over to the halfa and hugged him. "No worries, but don't forget to grab your staff before we leave tomorrow,"

"I almost forgot about it that," Danny laughed into the blondes chest, making the blonde pull his chin up and gave the halfa a kiss.

"Get a room!!" Sam exclaimed, though she was one to talk when she had Danny's sister on her lap. If forgot to say Sam and Jazz are dating. Same with Tucker and Val.

"Says you," Tucker butted in. Sam looked at him then through a pillow. "Hypocrite, look at how your sitting with Val," Tucker was in the same position as Sam and Jazz. Tucker taking the pillow throw as a challenge and threw it back starting a pillow fight that everyone was eventually getting hit and or throwing them. It got to the point they started using gadgets and powers. The winner was obviously Sam seeing as she was the last one standing.

"Cheater!!" Val called out, since Sam one by using a blaster to shoot all of the pillows that came her way. "No it's not we all agreed that it was ok, plus she gets to fix the pillows now." Val looked at Sam smirking, causing said girl to throw the last pillow at Val. Sighing Danny shooed everyone out of his room on pretence that they should get some rest, of course the other said no but went anyway wanting to get some alone time.

"Well that was eventful," one blonde stated. Dash was now laying in the bed wearing nothing but boxers, patting the bed signaling for the halfa to join. Giggling at the sight Danny also striped to his boxers and layed in the bed. The blonde then wrapped his arms around Danny, snuggling him, and eventually fell asleep with the halfa not to far behind.

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