Chapter 3:

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As they entered the ghost zone Danny relaxed at the familiar feeling, welcoming it. He leaned into Dash more and put on headphones to take a nap. He wanted all the rest he could get at the moment in case anything went wrong. Though thanks to his dumb parents and classmates he couldn't get any rest. They were so loud he could hear them over the music blasting in his ears. They were so annoying, Dash noticed this and pulled Danny closer to help him calm down. None of them need the halfa blowing up, they would understand if he did since he's under a lot of stress between the Ghost Zone and the field trip.

Danny decided to take off his headphones since it was no use. Then Mikey yelled out to the Fenton adults, "What are the floating doors for?" Now this was going to be interesting. It always amused the team when the Fenton adults were outed, or just when someone realizes that they weren't as professional as they thought. "Um... We don't know. This is our first time in the Ghost Zone." She said timidly.

"What!!" Half the class yelled not expecting that answer. Amused with this team Phantom started giggling at the situation. Which didn't go unnoticed. "Why are you laughing Daniel?" Mr. Lancer asked. The halfa looked at his friends, then looked at Lancer.

"It's just that..." The black ravin haired teen laughed. "Even I know what those doors are... We all do." He moved his hand signaling to the rest of the team in the back row. Maddie scoffed, "if you know what they are then tell us,"

"My pleasure, those door lead to one of three things. One a ghosts lair, two another dimension or our own, and finally it can spit you out at anywhere anytime it in those dimensions." The halfa explained. "Well how do you know this? It's not like you've been here before," Maddie sarcastically spouted.

"Well for your information all of us in the back row have been here multiple times thank you very much," Jazz was now fed up with Maddie's bullshit and wasn't taking it. Though this enraged Maddie, Jack tried his best to help her calm down but his attempts failed as she yelled at the top of her lungs. "Both you and Danny are grounded when you get home,"

This caused both children to laugh, "Sorry but you don't have the right anymore," Jazz finally got out once she was done laughing. "And what pray tell does that mean,"

Danny was just about to reply but then his ghost sense went off. He immediately tensed making the team go on high alert. They all sat up in attempt to see the ghost threw the windows, this caused the class to look outside the window. "Don't ignore me!!" Maddie yelled.

That's when they were hit, and everything went black.

          👻Would have left a cliffhanger but    decided to continue.👻

Danny awoke with pounding headache, but once he realized what had happened he stood up looking around frantically. After spotting his classmates, adults, and finally team Phantom he relaxed knowing they weren't terribly hurt. That's when he herd a scream.

The halfa turned around to see Paulina pointing at him. Unfortunately for the rest of the class she had woken them up, but they all were on high alert till they saw what she was pointing at. It was Danny, he was heavily bleeding from multiple spots, and had a peice of metal stuck in his left shoulder. The halfa himself didn't feel it since his ice core had already started numbing his body before he had woken.

Taking note of this team Phantom took action, and like Clockwork they started to look at his wounds, deciding what the best action would be. But if course they couldn't be left to do what is needed. "What are you doing?" Maddie asked. "You should leave the medical stuff to us adults." She just earned a glare from the team.

"Shut up Maddie," She winced at the use of her name as the halfa laid down. "I trust them with my life, I don't trust you so let them continue. They know what there doing," Danny said as he closed his eyes. If he wasn't careful his eyes would flash green and he didn't want anyone to see that yet.

"Alright Danny, I will start looking at your injuries. Tucker take note." Sam commanded. At this Tucker took out his PDA and opened a file that said Danny's daily injuries. "Temple bleeding, a small cut on the neck, some metal stuck in his left shoulder," She listed as Tucker wrote it down, then the teen stopped.

"Danny, you have to take off your shirt," The halfa refused continuously nodding his head no, he threw off his hood right before the crash. His hurt was a tight sleeveless turtleneck. "Sorry Danny, we have to," sighing he gave in. "Fine , but where's Dash?"

"He went to get your personal med kit," Dash said walking up to the halfa and kissed his forehead giving the kit to Sam. The A-Listers couldn't make sense of the things they saw between the two that day, and Maddie. She was furious, her son had a boyfriend and never told her. But not only that he'd rather have his friends treat him then a certified medical such as herself. She walked forward trying to get near Danny, when she was stopped by Jazz and Valerie. "Get out of my way kids,"

"Sorry no one's getting near Danny but us," Jazz said as a matter of fact. Val spoke up, "that especially means you Maddie,"

Danny watched as some of his selective family stood up for him. He was proud and thankful for the people he had come to know them as. "You ok?" Dash asked gaining the halfa's attention. "I'm fine, it was numbed before I woke up," he assured the blonde. "Ok Danny, I'm have to cut off your shirt or else the metal will get stuck on it." Sam said taking out a pair of sizers out of the Danny sized med kit. "Ok, I'm do this, don't move much so I don't hit the metal," Sam instructed. Danny nodded and took Dash's hand in his own, he wasn't very good at sitting still.

Carefully cutting his shirt she moved the hand she wasn't using to feel one of the scars the boy had, it was faint and isn't very visible but once close enough you can see a scar going across his neck. The though saddened her, there are a lot of things Danny kept from them, and the backstory to that and a few others scars was kept a secret. The have all asked him about it and so far only Dash knows what happened. Dash had told them to stop asking because the memories were mortifying for the halfa. She finished cutting his shirt off and wiped some of the blood off his torso. The bleeding had already stoped but they would have to tell the metal out and stich it up so it would heal properly.

Maddie was furious, why didn't they let her look over her own son? Who made them the medical experts? "Let me pass now!!" She demanded. "Sorry no can do," Jazz said blocking the path. Maddie could still see her son, Sam was cutting off his shirt to get a better look at the damage. Sighing Maddie gave up and walked over to Jack leaning on him. "I tried Jack, I tried," She whispered. "It's ok Mads, I'm sure they know what there doing. Just trust them," Nodding she continued, "I think I'm being to hard on them, I'm going to try and be more patient. I don't want our relationship to continue on like this, I don't want them to hate me." Jack looked at his wife sadly. "Like I said, just trust them, turn a blind eye for things. I'm sure they will tell us what happened one day, ok." Agreeing with her husband they fell into a comfortable silence until one of the students yelled out.

"Holy Cow!!"

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