Episode 1: Sonic's POV

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In Eggman's lab he was looking through blue prints for his latest invention. Metal Sonic then walked in

Metal Sonic: master?

Dr Eggman: yes?

Metal Sonic: mind telling me what your working on in here?

Dr Eggman: I'd gladly. These are Blue prints see? But there not just any blue prints oh no. There blue prints for my latest invention. An inter-dimensional gateway! With it I could do all sorts of things. Find other power sources, hideout for my next scheme, send my enemies elsewhere so Sonic and his friends can't ruin my plans and recruit other villains like myself to help me with my conquest of world domination

Metal Sonic: I see? So when do we start?

Dr Eggman: I'll get started right now. I want you to go get some robots to help me with this as well

Metal Sonic: right away sir *leaves*

Mario and Sonic: World's Clash

Intro (for every episode)

Weeks go by as Eggman continues on the gateway

Meanwhile in the city Sonic is just munching on a chilli dog

Sonic: man. It doesn't get any better than this. But when I say that something bad happens. I guarantee it will

As soon as he says that Tails and Knuckles show up

Tails: hey Sonic!

Knuckles: yo!

Sonic: Tails. Knuckles. What's up?

Knuckles: the sky

Sonic: haha. Real funny Knux. Anyway what's wrong guys?

Tails: well Knuckles and I were on our way to get you

Sonic: for what?

Knuckles: haven't you noticed it's been weeks ever since Eggman attacked?

Sonic: now that you think about it yeah it has. *finishes chilli dog* no sense in hanging around! Let's get moving!

They head to Eggman's base to see what he's up to

Back with Eggman he's nearly finished work on the gateway

Dr Eggman: yes! Yes! It's nearly done. With one push of this button I will be able to travel where ever I desire!

An alarm then goes off

Dr Eggman: Metal Sonic! You know what to do!

Metal Sonic: yes master *flies off*

Just then Team Sonic then bust down the door to catch site of Eggman

Sonic: don't even think about Egghead!

Dr Eggman: not that iritating Hedeghog again! Attack!

More Egg Robos fly in and attack them

Tails: Sonic we'll hold them off you go after Eggman

Sonic: right!

Eggman is about to push the button until..

Sonic: take this Eggman!

He then spindashes towards Eggman. But he evades Sonic's attack causing Sonic to hit the controls damaging the gateway

Dr Eggman: you fool! What have you done?!

Sonic: me?! You dodged my attack!

Suddenly everything goes white

Team Sonic then wake up and find themselves in a mixture of green hill and a mushroom world

Sonic: where are we?

Tails: I don't know. But here's what left of the gateway *checks his scanner* it looks like our world is mixed with someone else's but it won't pick up who

Knuckles: not cool Sonic! You caused this!

Sonic: oh so you think I'm the one who built that machine and intended on breaking it afterwards?!

Knuckles: you hit the controls!

Sonic: Eggman dodged my attack!

Tails: BOTH OF YOU SHUT UP!!! This is no time for fighting! We have to figure out where we are

Sonic-Knuckles: *sigh* fine

Knuckles: I've got an idea. We'll go and find any residents that could help us find where we are

Tails: good idea Knuckles

Sonic: yeah let's take a look around

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