So here am I and this art is a answer for Gachacookie2002 I hope you're not mad I put you in a Cuphead role, and I'm posting it toody becouse I need to draw more art's, and I'm not good in a drawing peepole.
Angry men
I put myself in a Henchmen role
My oreginal OC this art is stuck, but heare is some info about her, bananamisscheese heare you go my OCName:Emill
Age: like 28 milions
Pronouns:she/her, they/them
Advantages:sword fight, using a spear, playing in gitaur, fast, taller than imp's
Dedetcs:anger issues, week spot tail nad neck, too mach love Leviatan, has no sense of style, smaler than Devil, Dice, Leviatan and others
Weapons:sword's, spear's and Anything with a sharp ending