chapter 6

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He gasped as his eye's opened back up and he was able to see again, but was almost able to visualize the feeling of needles stabbing into his back, pumping him full of stimulizers. "What was that?" "Some kind of EMP static shock weapon that shut down the system's and most likely overwhelmed your nerva-system with the volts." The suit told him before he started unbuckling himself from the seat, as he said "bring the mech back online and remotely pilot it." 

He got up and opened the top hatch as he jumped out as he pulled himself up and out of the mech. He pulled up his rifle and let it rest across his chest as he turned from side to side an ran different scan's from his helmet, as the mech slowly rose from it's position. He walked around them room as the other troops filed into and put of the main room. 

He let his other hand rest on the handle of his short plasma sword, he finished his sweep of the room his comm's started beeping. He opened it and checked it's signature "this is SFC Gibbs designation Ventor-8 responding over" but in response he got nothing but silence. "Raise the walls and lock down my signature and the suits system's" he said to the suit as he continued to wait in silence. 

"Well it's seems there smarter then I thought" said a monotone voice on the other end of the comm link. "So stealth or assassination model I wonder, but with you using a voice modulator I'm thinking a assassination model. Sense the only one's that use them are cowards that couldn't fight someone out right in battle so they slink in the shadows and attack the unaware and dying. Like the cravens they are" he sneered back to them. 

"So we will be like that will we" "come on out and fight me and we can settle this right now and skip all antics and anti mech warfare, and show what these suits were made for." "As much as I would like that, that isn't my order's" and it's was the last thing they said before the comm link was cut. "Lets so them what a forge world can produce" he said to himself and to the suit, and then he only said two words "find them."

He walked back over to them mech before he scrambled up the side and into the cockpit of it located in the thickest part of its chest. He hit a button and opened up a compartment that he soon took something out of and connected it to his hip, before he climbed back out and slung his rifle over his back. 

He had the mech train it's weapons on the main door they came through and had it go into it's version of citadel mode. It crouched down on it's legs and extended sensors from it's top and had other sensors that didn't come out that were put to the test. It had its three sixty cameras on and was watching and tracking everything that moved and didn't move. But looked like a ten ton block of steal, gunpowder, and fury posed to strike at what ever came through the door with it's full weapons system's

He walked around the room slowly looking all over and trying to find something that was out of place or shouldn't be there but he didn't find anything. Then he walked back over to the door and looked at it's rim that surround the heavy blast doors before he had a thought. As he stared at the doors rim other soldiers that didn't have anything to do stood and stared at him, standing there not moving or doing anything.

The without turning his head he barked out "everyone leave the room" and as most went to comply with what he said albeit a bit slowly for most, a captain marched up to him. "Who do you think you are to give order's to my soldiers" and then he slowly turned to face the captain and looked down at him, as he slowly drawled out the steps. "I know who I am, I am the hunter, a person that has more confirmed mech kills then mechs you've seen. Have boarded more ships and been in more battles then ship's that you have seen in this backwater system."

"I am SFC john Gibbs of Nova Fabrica , the forge world of the toughest infantry forces and mechs and ships so large it make that annihilator look like a corvette with light armor and guns. We train to fulfill our jobs and produce some of the best soldiers and workmen in the federation, and above all I have the more experience then you have life. So unless you want me to call the admiral right here and now you will follow my orders." As he lend over the captain even more clearly showing their height difference. 

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