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Our story starts out with a showcase of London. We can see The Underground, Big Ben, London Eye, thousands of people walking on the streets. There are close to 10 million people living in this city. We then hear the basic iPhone text message notification, and see a typical suburban London house. A person walks up to the phone, and checks it. They received a message from an unknown number. Then the face of the person is revealed, it’s Bobby. He opens the message. It was sent by a person who claims themselves to be a girl called Amber, Bobby’s ex best friend.
She asks how Bobby is, because they haven’t talked in a while. Bobby is hesitant, but replies with saying „fine”. They start talking, and chit chatting. Eventually Amber calls Bobby, who doesn’t pick it up. Amber then immediatly switches tones to be a little more agressive, she commands Bobby to pick it up. He starts getting uncomfortable, and doesn’t reply. Amber starts getting more and more agressive in texts, and she’s calling Bobby repeteadly. Bobby finally answers her: „Amber please, i’m starting to be concerned. I’m asking You nicely, just stop calling me. I’ve moved on from our friendship.” Amber then replies: „This isn’t Amber. ANSWER THE PHONE BITCH. Or she dies”.
Bobby is weirded out, he doesn’t know what’s going on. Then „Amber” is calling him, again. He hesitates, but ends up picking it up. „This isn’t funny, Amber!”. The caller replies, calmly, with a voice changer: „How many times do i have to tell You, i’m not Amber. She’s already dead. Maybe if You picked up the phone sooner… She’d still be here.” „Cut the shit, please. Tell me what You want so we can hang up sooner, Amber.”Says Bobby. „I want You gutted, Bobby. Tonight.” Then the caller sends a picture of Amber, laying dead on the floor, with the text: Do You believe me now? ” Bobby gets shocked. „Who are You?” He asks, terrified. „I’m… a friend of Yours. But You can just call me Ghostface.” „Ghostface, like in those cheap-ass Scream movies?”
„Call it cheap-ass again and i’ll be even more brutal than i already am.” Bobby doesn’t say a word. „So… What’s Your favourite Scary Movie, Bobby?” Asks Ghostface. „None. If You are a friend of mine, You surely know i hate horror movies. They’re all corny and cheap.” „Wow, what a twisted answer.” Says Ghostface. „How does it feel?” „How does what feel?” Asks back Bobby. „That You know You’ll die tonight.” „Well good luck getting into my house… I have everything locked safe and tight.” Says Bobby while locking in the main entrance door into his house. Ghostface laughs slightly. „Ooohh Bobby. Your „tricks” are so cute… But. What if I’m already inside Your house?”. Bobby turns around in shock, only to see Ghostface standing behind him, with blood dripping from his knife. „Well hello there. Amber sends her regards by the way” Says Ghostface while showing Bobby the bloody knife. Bobby starts running but Ghostface immediatly catches up, and stabs him close to heart. He kicks Ghostface, and runs out of the house. Bobby runs up to a house of his neighbors, Gisele and her family. He knocks ont he door, while Ghostface is following openly ont he street.
It’s a peaceful, late night in London. Nobody is around. Bobby is yelling and knocking at the door „GISELE, PLEASE OPEN UP! ANYONE! PLEEASE !”. Ghostface is approaching. Finally Gisele opens the door with one of her best friends, Dav. „Bobby what the hell is going on?” She asks, annoyed. „I was attacked, please let me in he’s coming-„ says Bobby rushingly, in panick, as he tries to push Gisele and Dab out of the way. Gisele pushes Bobby back, and goes „Don’t even think coming in here, You’ll make the floor dirty with that fake-ass ketchup on You.” Ghostface is coming closer and closer. Bobby is yelling with Gisele that that pschyo in the mask overthere attacked him, and it’s not a joke. Gisele doesn’t buy it.
„Bobby, it’s Halloween night. Ghostface is a fucking pop-culture icon, at least 10K people are walking around in that mask just in London. Bye”. Then she procceeds to lock the door, leaving Bobby outside, with Ghostface being right there. They are face to face. Then Gisele and Dav start talking „Gisele, bestie, i get that it’s a shit joke, but. Shouldn’t we let him in? I mean You kno-„ No! Gisele cuts him in the middle of the sentence. „I already had enough of Bobby, for the past few months i’ve been very annoyed…” „Okay” says Dav, and they go back into the living room, just before a knife stabs trough the entrance door.
They both turn around scared.
The knife is then pulled out. Gisele gets pissed off and starts yelling to Bobby that he’s gonna have to pay a shit ton of money to fix that hole in the door, as she opens it. Suddenly Bobby’s body is thrown onto her, and she falls. Ghostface walks in. Gisele is trying to push Bobby off of her, while Dav is standing in shock. Gisele finally stands up and gets into a fight with Ghostface, resulting in her being stabbed multiple times in the belly. As she’s laying on the floor, she yells Run! to Dav, who does the exact same thing.
He runs upstairs, while Ghostface is chasing after him. Dav locks in a room’s door and closes it off. Ghostface is trying to push it in, but after a few minutes, gives up. It’s silent, Dav is alone. He waits a bit, then eventually opens the door, scared. There’s noone around. He rushes downstairs to Gisele. She’s laying ont he floor, in a bad shape but still alive. Bobby is next to them, dead ont he floor with multible stabs, and a ton of blood. Dav calls the Ambulance and Police.
Gisele is bleeding ont the floor, and they’re talking. We can soon start hearing the sirens coming closer and closer, as Gisele loses conciousness. Dav is looking panicked, they’re in front of the entrance door in the house. The camera starts zooming out, getting further and further, while the sirens are louder. Then it cuts off, and the logo appears.

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