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They were at the police station Fox was waiting in the ambulance with Simon, Josh and Kate as Deena and Sam were inside telling them what had happened.

Fox was still in the front eating candy with her pocket knife on her lap. She really wanted to call David not to tell him what had happened because he would probably think she is crazy but to just hear his voice.

"I'm gonna take a leak." Fox hears Simon tell Josh and Kate as she puts the head of her sweater on.

Fox doesn't get up until she hears Deena and Sam she gets up climbing into the back putting her knife back into her back pocket.

"We need to leave." Deena tells them looking a little shaky.

"Why?" Fox asked not knowing why Deena looks like she is about to get arrested.

"I think we should stay. We're safe here. What if that psycho shows up again?" Sam asked Deena as Fox looked in between them.

"Then we'll be ready." Deena tells Sam as she pulls out a gun making Fox look at her twin with wide eyes.

"Okay when this is over you need to throw or hide it somewhere no one can find it or find out you took it." Fox tells Deena who nods as Sam looks at Fox like she is crazy for being okay at the fact Fox is okay with Deena taking a gun.

"What the hell?" Sam asked her as Josh looked at her with wide eyes.

"Deena, what is that?" Josh asked Deena as Fox looks at him with the classic 'what the fuck do you think it is' look before looking back at her sister and her sister ex.

"Is that the cop's? You stole a cop's gun?" Sam asked Deena as Kate and Fox looked at Deena proudly.

"Fuck yeah she did!" Kate tells Sam as Fox starts looking around not seeing Simon.

"Hey guys shouldn't Simon be back by now?" Fox asked them as they all looked around not seeing their weird goofy friend anywhere.

They all run to the street and Fox's mouth hangs open when she sees a woman on top of Simon cutting him. Deena doesn't waste any time before she starts shooting at the woman, getting her in the chest and head making her fall off of Simon who is gasping as he gets up.

"Simon, come on!" Kate shouts at Simon as he runs off to Kate and Fox.

"What the hell?" Fox said as she looked at the black stuff on Simon's face.

"This came out of her chest." Simon tells her in a disgusted tone as Fox makes a weird face.

"Let's go!" Deena yells at them as they all start running back to the ambulance and getting the fuck out of there.


They were back at Fox's house and she was sitting down on the couch with her head in her hands.

"It doesn't make sense. It's...it's not possible." Sam tells them as she walks back and forth.

"Well obviously it is because it just happened." Fox said to Sam as she took her hands away from her face, sumping on the couch.

"Bullets didn't stop her." Sam says as she falls back onto the couch.

"Amazing observation." Kate snaps at Sam as she sits next to Fox.

"Who the hell was that?" Deena asks Simon as she turns to him.

"How the hell should I know? She...she was hot! I don't know! The bitch seemed normal!" Simon told them not knowing what to say as Fox points a finger at him.

"She did look hot." Fox said, making Simon look over at her as they finger guns at each other.

"I hate to break it to you, but normal bitches don't bleed black fucking blood!" Deena shouts at Simon as Fox hears the phone ring but they all ignore it but after a minute Josh walks over to it picking it up he is only talking for about two seconds before he comes back.

"Someone is on the phone for you Fox." Josh tells Fox making her get up as she ignores the looks some of her friends give her.

She picks up the phone cupping the bottom of it as she leans against the wall.

"Hey." Fox says with a smile knowing who is on the other end.

"Hey little flower." David's voice comes through and just the sound of his voice seems to calm Fox down a little bit.

"Hey handsome." Fox says sweetly as she looks over to her friends seeing them still talking about everything that has happened.

"I heard something about something that happened at the hospital. Are you okay?" David asked her and Fox wanted so badly to tell him about everything that had happened but there wasn't any way he would believe what she said.

"Yeah I'm fine just hanging out with my friends, brother and sister." Fox told David, making him sigh in relief knowing that she was okay.

"Good." He says as he runs his hand through his hair. "Well I don't want to keep you away from your friends so have fun I'll call tomorrow." He tells her as she plays with the ends of her hair.

"Okay love you." Fox tells David.

"I love you to my little flower." He tells her before hanging up.

Fox hong the phone backup before turning and walking back into the living room only to see no one but she does hears voices coming from the basement so she walks down seeing Deena walk into the little room in the back and every one looking at some papers on the table.

"What did I miss?"

Flower ~ OcxOc (Fear Street 1994 and 1666)Where stories live. Discover now