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'...Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind. And therefore is winged Cupid painted blind. Nor hath love's mind of any judgement taste; Wings and no eyes figure unheedy haste...'

...So the Bard wrote of the capricious Cupid. For anyone could take one of his arrows. Me, for example.

I never would have dreamed I'd fall in love with you; a man I seemed destined to know and admire only through your words...


...It was a crescent moon the night I arrived in Namjoon's mansion.

That same night, I dreamed I'd been bitten by some creature. In the kitchen, I recounted my dream to Namjoon's butler, Jisung.

Whoever, whatever that creature in my dream was, it seemed to rob me of my will. Enchanting me, enthralling me...

"...Just like a vampire would. Dreams can be so realistic, even when they're about the most unbelievable things."

Jisung was quiet now, and I wondered if he was tired of me prattling on.

"Thanks for listening to my silly dream. I hope you don't think I'm crazy for dreaming about vampires." - "I don't think you're crazy, nor do I believe it was just a silly dream." - "You don't think it was silly?" - "No. Indeed, it's a good sign." - "My bad dream is a good sign?" - "I believe you saw that dream because you're here in this mansion." - "You're not making sense." - "The dream serves as a warning... that you are to give them neither your body nor your heart." - "Them?" - "The residents of this mansion. For you see, everyone you've met tonight... they are exactly what you saw in your dream. They are all vampires."

I stared at him, unsure of what to say.

What is this? Is he joking with me?

...This is the part of the story where the audience laughs, I suppose.

"Haha... oh, Jisung, you're so stern-faced that I didn't take you for a kidder!"

I formed my face into a mask of laughter and good cheer, but Jisung's mien did not change.

"I am not kidding, (Y/n)."

My false front faltered.

The almost callous way Jisung struck down my hope shook me.

"Namjoon decided privately it was best we hide the truth from you tonight, so as not to trouble you further. But it seems the mansion has other ideas. In light of your prescient dream, I thought you had better know the truth. The famous men you met tonight expired in accordance with written history, only to be resurrected by le Comte. But there was a certain condition added to this miraculous second chance at life." - "What... condition?" - "They would not return to life as the humans they once were, but as vampires of le Comte's siring."

I swallowed. It made a sound like a truck crashing, everything was so silent around me.

What is Namjoon that he can do this?

Create life from death? How? Why?

"I, however, I am still human. The sole human in this mansion until your arrival." - "How... did you get here then?" - "I had the good fortune to hear le Comte's plans and I asked him if I might take part. Can you imagine anything greater in life than spending your days at the side of such people? And so I cast off my old life to work as their butler. A role I feel suits me well."

Jisung spoke of discarding his life with an affable detachment I found hard to empathise with.

"A servant to... vampires..." - "Yes, exactly." - "Thank you... for taking the time to explain everything to me so clearly..."

WJS | Temptation in the Dark | Jackson x Reader (female)Where stories live. Discover now