Beautiful Monsters

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Celandia's POV


"Gorgons are NOT monsters!" I hissed at demigod in front of me, all he did was chuckle and gave me the 'yeah, sure' look.

"-and besides, I'm only a forth gorgon, your only half god-and a lesser god at that. How does it feel to be the son of Eros-the god of love? Are you even powerful?" I grinned when I saw the look on his perfect porcelain face. I looked at him haughtily when I saw that smug smile that had been playing on his lips fall right off his face.

He straitened his back, raised his chin, looked me in the eye and said "my grandmother is Aphrodite, an Olympian."

I tipped my head back, laughing."oh so you want to play THAT game? Ok-my great-grandmother was Medusa, and my great grandfather is Poseidon, and-"

"ENOUGH! YOU ARE A MONSTER! NO MATTER WHO YOU THINK YOU ARE," he yelled, getting very close to me.

"I may have been having fun, but now I am tired of you, so don't try me son of Eros,"

"What are you going to do? Like you said you are only a forth gorgon, and besides you are only a little girl," he laughed while patting my head.

"Don't" I whispered through gritted teeth as my fists balled up prepared to punch him, because he was right, right now I was just a little girl, not yet a matured gorgon yet. I tried to restore some of the cocky composure I had before.

I grinned a loose smile up at him," I may not be matured yet, but that won't stop me from coming after you when I am. And in the meantime it won't hurt breaking that perfect face of yours!" And then I slugged him. I felt my fist collide with his nose, and when I heard a sickening crack. I knew I broke his nose. I felt a satisfaction that made me sick at myself. I pushed that feeling back.

"Now go pretty boy!" He walked away, but not before he looked at me with fear in his eyes as he held his bleeding nose.

I felt a tight pinch in my gut, i hated that look-the look of fear that came with having Medusa's gorgon blood or when I put someone in their place.

I watched as he disappeared from view. Then I collapsed, and cried till I forgot what was hurting.


I stared at my white ceiling, it was the only thing in my room that didn't remind me of the subconscious of a six year old.

I hated my room, it did nothing but remind me of my lost childhood. This was my way at holding on at first, but now it only angered me.

The walls looked like someone puked up peptobismal. The confronter was the same sickening peppy pink as my walls. The fluffy pink and purple pillows littered my room and my bed. It was like living on a cloud. Dolls lay scattered everywhere, I tries to play with them a long time ago. I just couldn't put them away. Or touch them for that matter.

I sighed and thought back to what that Demi-god had said, he called me a monster. He called my kind  monsters, and the thing is l,  he's right. We are monsters. Angles aren't created from curses, so why should I think we are so good. We are only one thing pure. Pure-evil, pure-blood, and pure-deadly. We are nothing but a mistake, anyone can ask Athena. I've seen the look she gave me when I went to Olympus. I know the way they look at me at the Academy, and it's all because of my mother.

I don't have found memories of my mother, or my father for that matter, but that is a different story all together. My mom is crazy, and I mean it quite literally.

My grandmother Eria had changed the image of gorgons that was set in place  by Medusa herself. I even remember a time when I wasn't just a monster. Hades's half human Demi-gods get more respect than I do, and I have more godly blood than they do.

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