Chapter 3

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Celandia's POV:


I tried to breath, but all the air hitched in my throat. I was panting erratically, I couldn't stop panicking. This is it, the change. I could feel it coming. Energy radiated from the core of my being. The strength came in waves almost crushing me.

I sat on the hard cold concrete of the old abandoned factory. No one would find me here, considering I'm not even in the same country, or continent for that matter. I'm in America, New York near one of the portals to Mount Olympus.

"Ahhhhh,"I scream at the top of my lungs. I start scratching my head uncontrollably. Sharp shooting pains erupt from my scalp. My body convulses, and is burning up. The bones start to elongate and stretch far beyond any normal growth spirt.

I cry, curling myself into a fettle position. My gums become sensitive as thin fangs puncture my tongue. Blood  coats my hands and body as my scalp becomes torn open as hissing suddenly erupts above me. I cry harder than before. I couldn't imagine anything more painful, this makes childbirth look like a run in the park, I can promise you.

I feel like I've no control over my own body. My hands shake until they reach my head where my once feathery soft hair had been. All I can feel are scaly slithering creatures set on nipping my fingers.

I'm so weak right now I'm sure I would let a mouse eat me. Still my body shakes and it take so much effort to breath no. I'm growing, I can feel it. I know I'm going to be tall after the change like Mom was.

Suddenly I feel myself being pulled up like a puppet by and unseen force.

"Ahhh," I scream again, my head lolling back. At this point I have lost all control of myself, and for a moment I stay suspended in time.

Then my head snaps back looking straight ahead. It's like an out of the body experience. I see what happens to me, I can see what I am. A monster.

Silver shiny snakes coil themselves on my head where my hair used to be. They are growing OUT of my head. The sight itself is frightening, but no it can only get worse from here. I look old. Like I mean before I looked twelve, now I look closer to twenty. I have finally grown to be a women like I always wanted, but this change only puts a sour taste in my mouth. It's unnatural, no matter how long I have been around paranormal crap.

Electricity turns the room still. Power radiates from inside me. It's like a pacing panther, inpatient.

My body stays still for what feels like an eternity, but it is really only long enough for me to see a preview what I've changed into.

Two rats scuttle in front of me. Inside I'm trapped unable to do anything, or maybe I'm locked outside of my body and able to see everything. It's hard to tell at the moment, everything is so upside down here. My eyes flash white, so bright and blinding. The rats grey fur gets consumed by white stone.

I get sucked back into myself, and I collapse. Breathing heavily and trying to move, but nausea eats away at my insides as my last bravo is puking up my breakfast.


I sit on the motel's hard wooden table as I look in the mirror. I poke and prod my face, it's the same but not. Odd. Unexplainable. And all me.

Same yellow eyes stare back at me. Same pale skin, same nose, mouth, and face shape. But I'm older, that much is for sure.

Pulling on my porcelain skin, and pinching my arm to try to wake up. Nothing, the reality of it practically kills me. I knew the change was going to change me. Obviously, it's in the name, but I never expected this. I'm beautiful, I know this. I just can't get over the fact that that women in the mirror.

I always hated my silver hair, it always looked grey and made me feel like an elderly women. Now my hair is snow white. Flowing and gorgeous, and defiantly not my hair. Now it is, but before it was on my mother's head. Now I'm her, no matter how much I try to deny it, I'm exactly what I never want I always hoped I'd never be. A Monster. I liked to pretend that no matter what anyone said I would be me. But back in the warehouse I turned those rats to stone. What if they had been human? I couldn't stop myself. Even now I can feel the raw aching, the need to let loose the power inside me.

I dig my nails into my hands until I draw blood, and scream into my chest. Tears stream down my face as I rock back and forth on the heels. I let another frustrated scream, and pound my balled up fists on my thighs.

I lift my head up, looking myself directly in the eyes through the mirror.

Deep breaths. In. Out. In. Out. In. Out. I can control it, I'm strong.

I move off the desk. I can't be near the mirror anymore, every second I am I slowly wither away in self pity.

I plop on the motel bed, the springs creak under my weight. The hard mattress does nothing but anger me.

I'm a gorgon, a real one. Fully matured and all. I shouldn't have to hole up in a motel, but to everyone else I'm just a monster.

I deserve more. I deserve everything. I am the product of power and strength. I am the daughter of Zeus. I am a God. I am not a monster.

I climb off the bed. I'm tired of hiding. I've done it my entire life. Whether or not it was because of what I was or what I wasn't iv'e always hid. No more. I grab my duffle bag and shove all my belongings into it. I walk out of the door, not even looking back much like I did when I left the Academy.


Author Note: skipping school to go to A & M with the grandparent's ps- if anyone asks ,mainly teachers, i have fallen ill with a jamaican jungle bug. Thank you.



Written lets see now- one, two, threee, four? Chapters today? Im just that awesome. Lol just kidding.

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