Chapter 15: May 30, 1999

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After the whole encounter, May and I locked up the man in a cell and went back home to get some rest.

Word on me and May's adventure quickly spread. We woke up past noon the next day and we reported to work, where all the agents welcomed us with thunderous applause, especially May. Everyone found out about how we defended HQ from a bomb attack last night.

Forster came and personally thanked me and May of course, but most surprising was Director Berman.

Director Berman: I heard about what happened.

May: Oh it's nothing.

Director Berman approached his daughter.

Director Berman: You alright?

May smiled.

May: Never been better.

Director Berman extended his hand, and May shook it. Part of me wanted to go to the Director and call him out, but I saw in my friend's eye that she was happy, and I decided not to take it away from her. I just remembered how much her father meant to her. How badly she just wanted to impress him, and she finally did. She was happy.

And I was too.


May: You feeling alright?

I stopped eating. I was at the roof, eating my lunch while enjoying the view.

I turned to May and smiled.

Harlan: Thank you.

May smiled and sat beside me.

May: What would you do without me?

I chuckled.

May: By the way Harlan, I checked again, Chase Delvey-

Harlan: May, it's fine, you didn't have to-

May: You told me Clair was born in 1972, Chase in 1967.

Harlan: Yeah why?

May got a plastic ziploc. I opened it and saw photos of Paul and Taylor Delvey with a newborn child.

Harlan: You know, Chase doesn't look that bad considering how babies loo-

May: That's not Chase. That's Clair.

I looked at May, then in 1972. I flipped through the photos, 1972, 1973 and 1974, all photos only showing photos of Paul and Taylor with only one child, Clair.

May: Here's another thing, no birth certificate matches your Chase Delvey. I even got T.H.E.P.A. to call up and check every boarding school in the world and...

I looked at May.

May: Chase doesn't exist, Harlan.

I took one last look at May, then I got up. I ran down to the detention rooms and looked for the one person I was looking for.


I violently opened the door and stormed in.

Clair: Harlan, this is unusual, what brings-

Harlan: Where is Chase?

Clair: I thought I said to come bac-

Clair looked at me, puzzled. I took out my gun and shot the ceiling.


Harlan: I'm done with your games, WHERE IS SHE?


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