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"He likes Iced Americanos, always provide one for him. Never walk in front of him, or next to him, just be behind him. Never be in his way, don't interrupt him, don't walk in his office without knocking, don't try to prove him right,
don't even look him in the eye." Morgan stared at the girl in horror, the girls name was Margot, she was a front desk lady at Jeon Industries. "Can I even breathe?" Morgan asked, and Margot laughed, Morgan did not. "Here." She gave  her a folder and an iced Americano. "Every morning you must have his coffee, and his folder of what he needs to get done for the day." She explained to her as she checked her watch, she squeals as she pushed her off. "Go now! It's 8:57, you need to be there by 9." She pushed her off as Morgan stumbled on her heel slightly, she bumped into someone. "Oh god." The man held her up on her two feet immediately, brushing her off. "Is this mine?" He asked in a low tone, and she shook her head. "No, it's for Mr. Jeon. His Americano.." She whispered, as Margot held her head in her hands. "I am Mr. Jeon." He took the cup, and Morgan finally looked him in the eyes as her face heated up with such embarrassment. "Sorry." Was all she said, as he signaled her to follow him. "Are you clumsy?" He randomly asked, and she made a face. "No, sir. I am not, but if it requires to be slightly clumsy to make sure I get to your office on time then I guess I am." She snapped back as she just followed him, he didn't say anything. "Here's your own office." He swung the door open as he turned to her, she nodded as she handed him his folder.
"Aren't you gonna tell me what I-" "You have a meeting at 4 o clock, and then you have lunch with that really important co signer for that one painting bid. You also have a plane leaving for you this weekend at about 7AM. You have to review paintings in Paris for a new opening museum." She explained to him, and he just raised an eyebrow. "Perfect. See you at 4." He walked into his office and Morgan just let out a loud exhale, walking into her own office. So boring. She sat down at her desk and logged into her computer, as she began to write our emails for Mr. Jeon. After an hour, she checked the time and it was 3 o clock, an hour until Mr. Jeon's meeting. She stood up and walked out of her office and began to walk around, to buy off some time. She came across an empty art room and she slowly walked inside, looking around she found a easel and gently placed a canvas on there. "It wouldn't hurt." She whispered to herself, looking around she eventually found some paints and brushes. She slowly grabbed a pencil from her blazer and began to sketch out a design.


Morgan was now outlining her sketch with a darker paint, mixing around all the colors she had and adding them around to the best she could. She yawned as she wiped the paint off onto her apron that kept her clothes from getting dirty. She wiped her face without knowing a splash of yellow paint got on her cheek.


Morgan stared at her watch as she quickly slid the apron off and ran out of the room, she quickly ran back towards the offices and she gently knocked on Mr. Jeon's door. "Come in." She heard his low voice as she slowly creaked the door open. "Your meeting starts soon, sir." She said, and he raised and eyebrow. "I thought it didn't start until 5." He said, and she quickly shook her head. "No, sir. It starts at 4." She corrected him, and he nodded. "Thank you, let's go then." He said, and she looked around. "I go with you?" She asked him, and he nodded. "Duh, can you take my notes for me?" He asked her, and she nodded. "Perfect." The two began to walk into the meeting room, "Mr. Jeon. It's a pleasure to be working with you." a woman said. "Thanks, this is my assistant Morgan." He sat down, and Morgan stood in the corner with a pen and a clipboard. "Sit down." He said without making eye contact with her, and she quickly sat down. Eventually all the chairs were filled, and someone walked in. "Could you stand up assistant?" The man said, and Morgan slowly turned her head to him. "I'm already sitting here." She said to him, and he raised an eyebrow. "There isn't anywhere else to sit.." He explained, and Jungkook looked up at him. "Then stay standing." He said to him, and the guy folded his hands together slowly. Morgan took a look at Jungkook who was already looking at her, but she looked away and began to write their conversation. "So, Mr. Jeon. Do you have any ideas about a new work piece you'd like to submit?" A woman asked her, and he shook his head. "I haven't made a sketch yet, I would like to see and visit the building in Paris first."
Morgan was writing very quickly as she listened to them speak, she bit her lip. "I don't even know what type of sketch to organize." Jungkook laughed, which made others laugh. The meeting had eventually ended and Jungkook pulled Morgan aside. "What is that on your face?" He asked her, and he slowly wiped his finger on her cheek. Her eyes widened as she wiped his hand, "Nothing. Maybe it's just uh..Mustard." She tried to make him brush it off, and he just hummed. "I see. Anyways, you can leave early. I have nothing else to do for today, you can go. Here's my number." He gave her an index card with his number on there. "Thanks." She held onto it and slid it into her blazer pocket, and walked to her own office.


Jungkook was walking around the office by himself, he was basically the only one there, only a few others were too. He yawned as he rubbed his eyes, he just got off the phone with his son. He walked into an art room and he stared at the easel, "Huh?" he walked towards it. He slowly grabbed the drape that was over it and he slid it off, revealing a beautiful abstract painting. "Woah.." He stared at it with amazement, as he stared at the watermark. "MS?" He sighed as he thought for a moment, not sure whos initials they are. He slowly wiped his finger against it and smiled since it was dry, maybe MS will make another one. He placed another canvas in its place and carried the painted one out already. Thank you, MS.

𝗍𝗈 𝖻𝖾 𝖼𝗈𝗇𝗍𝗂𝗇𝗎𝖾𝖽

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2023 ⏰

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