Chapter 1

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It was a Tuesday, September 27th to be exact. George was stood in his room, on the phone with his two best friends, Sapnap and Dream, while packing. He was finally moving to America, finally moving in with them. George had been waiting for this for years! And it was finally happening! "Alright, I think that's everything." George spoke, closing up the last box. "I can't fucking wait for you to come to America, George!" Dream practically yelled. "More like you can't wait to fuck him." Sapnap said casually, obviously joking. But yet, it still made George's cheeks heat up. Why the fuck am I feeling like this? Dream is just a friend, a best friend. George thought, digging his head into his hands in an attempt to hide his blush while fake chuckling to make it seem like everything was normal. But it was anything but normal and Dream could sense that. He didn't push it by asking any questions, but he did plan on touching on it with George later if he was comfortable with it. Eventually, it was time for George to go to sleep since he had to be at the airport early the next day and go to the post office before he went to bed to get his things shipped over. They said their goodbyes and hung up. I'll just have to talk to him tomorrow then. Dream thought as he left the call and flopped onto his bed. He sighed, plugged his phone in next to his bed and tried to fall asleep. But he couldn't manage to sleep, he couldn't seem to get George off his mind, how George had changed in a way after the joke Sapnap made. Which was a bit weird since it was a normal thing Sapnap did, they were used to this by now. So why was this time any different from the rest? Dream found himself in a hurricane of restlessness, that is until something cut him off from his thoughts. His phone was ringing. Who would be calling at this time? (Btw, I'm aware of the different time zones. But I don't care, they don't exist in this universe.) Dream reluctantly picked up his phone, staring at the caller ID George. He picked up the second he saw who it was, making sure George didn't have to wait any longer for Dream than he already had. "Hello?" Dream spoke into the phone, voice groggy and raspy with sleepiness. "Dream? Shit did I wake you up?" George rushed. "No,No, it's alright, you didn't wake me up. Don't worry. But why'd you call?" "Oh, I couldn't sleep." George reasoned simply, obviously also tired. "Oh, why's that?" Dream asked, half asleep at this point. "I'm not sure. I-" George cut himself off, sighing, then continued, "Can I be honest with you, Dream?" He questioned. Now Dream was wide awake. And scared, really scared. What is it that George wanted to tell him? Regardless of his worried thoughts, he hummed in response, signing for George to continue. "Well, when Sapnap made that joke earlier," George started, getting cut off by Dream. "I could sense something was off. Is everything ok?" George felt his face heat up at the thought of just a few hours earlier. "Well, I don't know how to explain it but something felt different that time. I know Nick normally makes jokes like that about us. Hell, he does it on the daily. But," George couldn't do it. He just started crying, why? He wasn't sure. "Hey, it's ok. If you're not ready to talk about earlier, that's fine. You don't have to talk about it, George." Dream knew what he was trying to say at this point. "No, I'm ok." George sniffled. "So, when Sapnap made that joke, I don't know what happened, but I just felt my face heat up, & it felt like my chest was about to explode. I don't know!" George explained. "What, did you want it to happen, or something, George?" Dream teased, knowing how to cheer George up. George chuckled then responded, "And what if I did?" Dream laughed, "Then I'd have to give you what you want when you get here, George." Dream said seductively. George froze, his Face heating up again. "I- What?" Was all he could say. "A-are you being serious right now?" "And what if I am, George? What if that's what I've wanted all along? What if all along I was being serious?" Dream questioned. This was crossing the lines, the lines they'd drawn so very long ago, but maybe those lines were meant to be crossed. "I might like that if you're being serious right now." George confessed. Dream searched his voice for the slight hint that George was joking, but he didn't find it. The invisible barriers they'd spent so long building up, the ones that were never supposed to be torn down because the second they were, it would go way past friendship, those barriers were starting to collapse, those same barriers that would start to crack every time one of them made a joke about this. And the scary part was, neither of them cared. In fact, they both wanted those barriers down a long time ago and were just too afraid to let them fall. "Y-you're being honest right now, right? This isn't some joke?" Dream asked, wanting to clarify. "I'm being 100% truthful." George spoke, voice putting off that he was nervous. "Hey, George, can I tell you something now?" Dream started. He had a plan now, he was going to tell George how he really felt, how he's felt for a while now. Of course, he had been saying it for a while, but it's always been put off as them joking, because that's what they wanted. They didn't want to admit to themselves that they might actually like each other more than just platonically. "Hm?" George hummed. "I love you, George. I have for so long." Dream breathed, his heart feeling like it was going to beat out of his chest. "I-I love you too, Dream."

And to think this started as a joke|DNF smutWhere stories live. Discover now