Chapter 2

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They continued talking and eventually fell asleep on the call with each other. The next day, George woke up to his alarm. He was still on the call with Dream, who he assumed was sleeping since he didn’t hear anything from the other end of the phone besides light snores. George chuckled and reluctantly got up to get ready for the day. He went to his closet,grabbed some clothes, went to the bathroom and got into the shower. Once he was done, he got dressed, brushed his teeth, brushed his hair and exited the bathroom. He slipped his socks and shoes on, grabbed his things, woke up Dream, told him he was leaving and left the house. (the airport part is 99.99% gonna be wrong, I’ve never flown before.) He got an uber to the airport and went through security and such, now waiting for the flight to board. When the flight was called, George texted Dream and Sapnap, put his phone on airplane mode,grabbed his things and got on the plane. He ended up listening to music and falling asleep,waking up a few minutes before the plane landed. Once he got off the plane and collected his things at baggage claim, he took out his phone,turned airplane mode off and texted the Dream Team group chat that he landed. He went to go look for Dream and Sapnap, who were apparently in a cafe when he texted them. After about 20 minutes, he found them. Dream and George locked eyes and time stopped, at least that’s what it felt like to the two lovebirds. George dropped his things and ran over to Dream, jumping up and hugging him. Dream chuckled and hugged back tight, pulling George,who now had his head buried into Dream’s chest, impossibly closer to himself. They stayed like that for a bit, Sapnap standing there patiently, happy that they’d finally met. Especially knowing how Dream felt about George. Dream and George eventually let go, Dream letting George finally say hi to Sapnap as well. After they said their hellos, they left, going back to their house. That definitely felt good to know, that George was finally living with them, with Dream. Once they finally got home, Dream & Sapnap showed George around the house. Then Sapnap left to go talk to Karl, leaving George and Dream by themselves, alone. "So," George starts, "what do you wanna do?" Dream didn't reply, not verbally at least. (They are in Dream's room now btw.) He just stared at George. He looked into his eyes, then at his lips, then back to his eyes, in a cycle. "I think you can already guess" Dream chuckled, leaning closer to George. George leaned in as well, pushing Dream onto his bed. Their lips finally connected, closing the gap between them. At first it was a light touch,hardly even connected, but said kiss got heated and fast. Dream tore George's shirt off, moving his kiss from his lips down his jawline and to his neck. Dream success on George's soft skin, leaving  trail of marks along George’s sensitive skin and earning multiple moans of pleasure from George. But, that all stopped almost immediately as Sapnap burst through the door with Karl on the phone. Damnit! I should've locked the door! I'm such an idiot! Dream thought, Sapnap still in the doorway, a look of shock on his face. "Sh-shit sorry!" He rushed,shutting the door and walking away, not saying another word. After a minute, Dream and George came out of the room, walked to Sapnap's door and knocked, walking in when he said they could come in. Hey, can we talk to you for a minute?" George spoke, voice shaky. "Sure,what's up?" Sapnap answered plainly. "I'm sorry, we're sorry." Dream said, looking down in guilt. "Why didn't you two tell me?" Dream sighed, "we didn't really talk about anything. Not until last night, but George and I hadn't talked about it after late last night and I didn't know if he was ok with me talking to you about it. I'm sorry, Nick." Nick stood up, walked over to his two best friends and hugged them. "I forgive you." He laughed, "I was never mad. I just wanted to know why you didn't tell me. But are you two dating now or something?" He asked, making the two look at each other. They shrugged, looking back at Sapnap. "W-we don't actually know yet. We haven't really talked about that either." "THEN GO FUCKING TALK ABOUT IT!" Nick yelled at them, excited. They nodded quickly and walked out of Sapnap's bedroom together to their room. "So, what are we, Dream?" George asked, sitting on the bed. "George, we can be whatever you want to be. If you want to be friends, we can be friends, if you want to date, we can date. It's 100% up to you." Dream answered, sitting on the bed next to George. "Does this answer the question?" George asked. Before Dream could even say anything, George pressed his lips to Dreams, pulling away a moment later. "I don't know, maybe you should answer it again." Dream giggled, leaning into George, closing the gap between them once again. "I wanna be with you, Dream." George said, pulling away. "In that case, George, will you be my boyfriend?" "Yes! Fuck yes! I've waited years to be able to be with you, Dream. To finally be able to kiss you." George breathed, happy that him and Dream were finally together. "I love you. So damn much." Dream speaks, hugging George. "I love you too, Dream. I have for a while. For so, so long." George hugged back.

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