(Preview) Save me - Patreon Exclusive (A Hybrid Story)

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Please understand this is a PREVIEW of Patreon's Tier 2 Exclusive Oneshot. 

This is not the full story. This is Patreon Tier 2's Exclusive Oneshot. So the story stops before it's complete and you can read the full story over on Patreon if you wish to join. It's marked as complete because no more will be added. I have monthly Exclusive Oneshots posted to Tier 2 of my Patreon Page and I always give previews. 


Taehyung walked along the sidewalk with his hybrid on a leash. Jimin glanced back at the cat hybrid that walked with his head down focused on the sidewalk in his own world.

"Why do you need another one? Aren't they a lot of work?" Jimin asked gently

Taehyung shrugged, "I mean sure, but they're also great company. And they listen well so it's not so bad. Suga's a good kitty."

Jimin glanced back at the cat hybrid and smiled as his ears twitched and he looked up hearing his name and smiled showing all his teeth. Taehyung chuckled and pulled him closer by his leash and rubbed his ears.

"Yeah you're a good kitty aren't you, my little Suga is a good boy."

Jimin smiled as he purred as Taehyung spoke sweetly to him and pet and rubbed his ears. He looked really happy with the attention. Jimin had decided to go with his best friend when he showed up at his door begging him to go with him to the Hybrid Kennels.

He'd seen Taehyung have a successful time with his hybrid Suga. He was really mellow and even-tempered. He always looked serious, except when Taehyung gave him attention then he turned into a little fluff ball of happiness.

Hybrids were extremely affectionate creatures and thrived off attention and love from their owners. Taehyung was having such a hard time he wanted another one, only this time he wanted to save one from the Hybrid Kennels where strays were taken.

"Is he not enough to help out like your brother thought he would?" Jimin asked quietly.

"No no, Suga's been great. But he's not always in the mood. One minute he can be all over me and begging for attention and another moment he can be curled up in his corner and want nothing to do with me. He likes his sleep and when he's resting he's as stubborn as a mule and won't move for anything, not even for snacks or cuddles. And you know I get -"

Jimin nodded understanding. Taehyung had gotten Suga as a gift from his brother when he saw he was depressed and having a hard time. Suga was good for him, but Jimin could see how he wanted another one if Suga was not always willing to be there. Cats were like that and everyone knew Hybrids took on the traits of their animal group. So Jimin could only imagine Suga being in his own moods sometimes.

They walked quietly and Jimin smiled a bit glad that his friend wanted to get a new one from the Hybrid Kennels. Usually when one wanted a hybrid they went to the shop to get one that had been well raised and trained already. Most Hybrids were led mostly by their animal side but they sometimes were human like in the way they observed. Their attention span was just very short and any human moments didn't last long before being overwhelmed by sounds or smells or their owner.

Jimin never thought to get one because he wasn't sure where he stood on the whole hybrid thing. Society was extremely strict with Hybrid rules. They had to be on a harness with their owner at all times when in public, if a Hybrid seemed dangerous even a little bit they could be put down. It didn't always seem fair because Hybrids were mostly ruled by their animal side so they naturally made animal noises when angry or upset and it could be very intimidating. But it didn't always mean they were dangerous.

(Preview) Save me - Patreon Exclusive (A Hybrid Story)Where stories live. Discover now