So let's get started, get this straight one day I hope to become a formula one driver, hopefully one day i believe I will be sitting in a cramped little space with the risk of crashing or worse dying so your probably thinking well that doesn't sound great but we'll that's a risk I willing to take if it is for someone or something I love because love,hope,loss,risk,gaining,winning and a formula one car in your grasps makes for a great or not so great experience well my odds I think are not bad . Retard,idiot,crazy,mental,completely insane well this are probably some of the many things that you think of me, I know I think of these things all the time they haunt me every day and I have to pick my self up by think of how good I feel winning Monaco the hardest track in the Grand Prix and trust me it's not that great for my confidences when I see a 17 year old Max Verstappenen just touching romain groshean and crashing straight into the barrier and just thinking because someone trusts a 17 year old kid who doesn't even have hi license to drive on the every day road but gets his super license to drive formula one car who knows maybe next time it might not be so easy to just walk away from that time maybe the out come might might be easy I watched Nikki laudes crash and that put me of but then I watched him climb back into that steel suiced machine and he owned that race and made the steel suiced machine his bitch and me and probably the rest of the world that like Bethany Hamilton and many other people that have lost something that helps wake up in the morning if it's a limb a dog toy relative or something else to come back from that takes serious guts I mean I was thinking what the hell you were just the victim of a hug ecrash and your about to race again and then I thought