Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Scott looks around at everyone as he finishes telling his secret. Jess, Coben and Amber look grossed out as they remain seated with him. Katelyn, Joseph, Matthew and Olivia look disgusted as the paces around the area. Joseph is also angry.

Scott senses that he's just landed himself in some big trouble. He's just revealed his biggest secret in front of his family, one of whom is a doctor and has educated him on the dangers of drug use. Scott looks at his father, seeing the disappointment in his face. He looks at his mother, she looks disgusted in general.

"Are you kidding me? Smoking weed and watching porn? That's your huge secret?" Katelyn questions.

"It's not something I'm proud of" Scott insists whilst holding his hands up in defence.

"Oh, what it's just something that.. happened?" Katelyn questions.

"Well.. yeah" Scott says nervously.

"That's not something that just happens, Scott. I've spent time educating you about why you shouldn't go near drugs. And now you're smoking weed at school and at home, right under our noses?!" Joseph yells.

"I'm sorry" Scott tells everyone.

"Wait.. so that's why you are always smelling of deodorant?" Jess questions in realisation.

"I always deodorise and brush my teeth afterwards to get rid of the smell" Scott explains.

"And there was me thinking that you just liked to present yourself well" Katelyn says, not exactly knowing what to say.

"Well, I do" Scott says. He looks down shamefully. "I know that I've messed up. I promise I'll ditch the weed and never watch porn again" He vouches .

"You're not to have any more to do with Jack or Sam either" Joseph orders. Scott frowns at his dad.

"Dad, they're my friends" He tells him.

"They're a bad influence on you" Joseph tells him.

"I'm the one who started it. I showed them the porn and then Jack said about the weed" Scott explains.

"How long has this been going on?" Matthew asks.

"A few months I guess, I'm not exactly sure" Scott shrugs a little.

"Are you addicted to the drugs?" Joseph questions.

"No, course I'm not, I usually only smoke it with Sam and Jack, and Jack only gets it now and then. Just some times I'll take some to smoke in private" Scott explains.

"You had better not be lying, Scott" Katelyn warns him.

"Ok, fine, maybe I smoke it a little more often than I realise. But I'm not addicted to it, I swear" Scott insists, holding his hands up in defence.

"What about the pornography?" Joseph questions.

"I'm not addicted, dad, I promise. It was just supposed to be a bit of fun between us three" Scott insists. Scott knows that he's messed up, he knew from the start that if his parents found out about all of this, it wouldn't be good. He knew after the first time, that it should have been the last time, but it became something that he did only with Sam and Jack, until he started using it at home. As much as he sees it as a bit of fun, seemingly harmless fun, he has been worried about becoming addicted to the stuff.

"Between you three, except you do it under our roof as well" Katelyn points out.

"I'm sorry. What else do you expect me to say? I am sorry and I'll stop smoking and watching. I'll be better" Scott tells his parents.

"You're grounded until we say otherwise" Joseph tells him.

"How long will that be?" Scott asks, accepting his punishment. He know he's fortunate that he is only grounded. He knows that they could always get the police involved, they could have Jack arrested for the weed.

"I don't know. It could be a week, it could be until you're 30. We'll let you know" Joseph answers.

"Oh, come on, dad!" Scott protests.

"Don't you dare, Scott! You're grounded until we say so. End of" Joseph tells him, point at him sternly. Scott doesn't try to challenge his dad again, he's angry and he doesn't want to make the situation or his punishment any worse. He sighs with defeat.

"I just think it's gross that he's watching that stuff" Jess says.

"It is. Don't be influenced by him" Katelyn warns her. Jess shakes her head adamantly.

"I'm pretty sure nobody will be influenced by him" Coben says.

"Shut up" Scott half spits.

"Hey! Enough, both of you!" Matthew steps in.

"I'm only pointing out the obvious" Coben says in his own defence.

"Well, at least we all know that he's still a virgin at 16" Amber chuckles as she shakes her head a little.

"Is this where you admit to us that you first had sex when you were around 15 or early stages of 16?" Olivia asks her. Amber looks rather nervous.

"Not 15" She answers honestly. She looks down to the ground.

"Is that by any chance anything to do with your big secret?" Matthew questions as he sits down by Amber. She looks up at him and then around at her mum, Joseph and Katelyn.

"Yeah" She answers a little quietly, because of nerves.

"Ok, that decides who is next. You're next, Amber" Matthew decides, not looking forward to hearing what his daughter is about to admit to. Matthew thinks it's going to be that she had sex on her 16th birthday with some idiot lad from school who thinks he's a big boy and has slept with half of the school, and possibly spreading a sexually transmitted infection. With that thought in mind, Matthew begins to mentally prepare himself to hear his daughter admit that she could have an STI.

Olivia takes a deep breath in and out through her nose. She's doing her best to try and remain calm, Amber is the first of her own family to admit her secret to everyone. How bad is it? She has noticed that Amber appears to be nervous. It makes Olivia uneasy.

Everybody else waits for the big confession, hopingthat it's nothing gross like Scott's was, but they already know that it's inrelation to sex, possibly her first time. 

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