chapter 11

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Once the sky fully turns into it's usual shade of blue you and Mark get up, him carrying Alice, and head inside. He carries her to her room while you make him his own cup of coffee. Once your done he comes into the kitchen. You hand him his cup and sit down at the table, him right next to you.

"So what happened?" He takes a sip of his coffee.

"I heard crying so i went to go see what it was. It was Alice. She had a nightmare. She dreamt that we gave her......that we gave back to the orphanage. She said that she was so h-heartbroken." You tried to hold back tears. Just imagining how she hurt you. "S-seeing her like that....i just...i..."

Mark grabs and puts you in his lap. He hugs you and rubs your back. You really tried not to, but you started to cry. "I just..... I don't want her to have to deal with that anymore. I don't want her to feel that hurt. I know that feeling and i don't want her to get used to it. It's not good when you get used to that feeling and just blow it off like it's nothing because you deal with it a lot. I-its not fun."

Mark didn't say a word, he just held you, but you knew he understood.

'I could only ever dream for someome like you.'


You wake, still in Mark's arms, but now you were in your bed again.

'Was that only just a dream?'

You noticed Mark still had a shirt on so you knew it was real. You lay there for awhile and just examined the love of your life. He had shaved so his face was smooth. You watch as his chest would rise and fall from every breath he took. You look at his lips. Even though they were smaller than average they were still so kissable. Every time you look at them you just get the strongest urge to kiss him and never stop. To bad you need to breathe in order to live.

You lean in and kiss his lips. It's only been a second and yet you feel like you can't breath. He kisses back, wrapping his arms tighter around you, pulling you closer. He tilts his head and deepens the kiss. Your stomach fills with butterflies and you feel your cheeks heat up. All you wanted to do was give him a peck. You didn't expect him to wake up.

He lightly pushes you on your back, putting his arm over you to keep himself up, all while never breaking the kiss. Your heart begins to race while he deepens the kiss even more. You run your fingers through his hair. He lightly bits your lip and you moan a little. You get embarrassed, but continue to kiss him anyway. You feel his tongue lightly glide across you lips. The tip of your tongue touches his and then they travel into your mouth. At first he just explores every single inch of your mouth, but then you begin to wrestle. You win and enter his mouth, doing the exact same. You bit his lower lip and he moans a little. You giggle and give one last kiss before he pulls away. Him opening his eyes for the first time.

"We should wake up like that more often."

You giggle. "I didn't mean to wake's just your lips...they're so inviting."

He chuckles and lays back down next to you, tightly hugging you in his safe, warm arms.

"So what do you want to do today?"

"Well first let me calm down," you whisper, putting your hand over your heart.


"I uh said maybe we can take Alice out. She would probably like to do something with us."

"Ok. We'll let her decide." He hugs you tighter and kisses the back of your head.

"As much as i loved to stay in your arms forever i need to take a shower."

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