Researching Yuki Azumuya

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I woke up and found a note from my mom on the kitchen counter. It read "Ill be back in a week there's money for pizza in my desk draw and snacks in the house - love mom." I knew she would be gone for more than a week so I checked the money she had left. She left a crumbled up 1٫700 yen (17 USD) which hardly even last for a day. And the snacks she mentioned were just crackers and a pack of cigarettes."That whore." I muttered to myself and left to go to school.
~At school~
"Hey Chiaki." I turned around to see Mesume and her dumb followers Yuno and Kokoro."We got a be present for you.~" Kokoro said with her hands behind her back. "What is it?" I asked foolishly. She then splashed a bucket of ice cold water on my head. "Surpise lame ass!" She said while snickering with Mesume.Yuno just stood there with her head down quiet as she usually is. Yuno is actually the nicer one and would never bully anyone she just hangs out with bitches to not end of up like me. Kokoro and Mesume left to return the bucket while Yuno stayed back to help me. "You know Chiaki I'm really sorry I didnt stick up for you." She said while handing me a pair of fresh clean clothes from her locker. I hate when she says that but I can't be mad its not her fault any of this happened. Honestly ever since she transfered here I felt like I finally had a friend. "Its fine Yuno I feel more bad for you then myself at least they're not fake towards me." Yuno smiled and laughed. Yunos dad is one of the richest men in Tokyo and somehow Mesume and Kokoro found out and they became "buddies". "Let's get to class the bells about the ring." "You sure you want to walk with me?" I asked. "Mesume and Kokoro usually get to class late anyways so they won't see us walk in together." I wish Yuno and I could be friends inside of school instead of just outside of school when Mesume and Kokoro weren't around. When we walked into class we saw on the board it was a picture of my mom having sex with our teacher and a comment saying "no wonder why Chiaki gets good grades." I just sat down in my seat and ignored it. "Chiaki- I'm so sorry about them-." Yuno said. "Nah it's fine they're not wrong but it's not my fault my moms a slut." More and more students surrounded the picture and laughed. I didn't understand why though it wasn't a secret my mom was a our towns slut. When our teacher arrived he sent everyone to their seats and ripped the photo off the board. "WHO THE HELL PUT SOMETHING LIKE THIS ON THE BOARD." He yelled while waving it in the air. "Mr. Oshiba you know no one's going to confess even if they did do it." I said while erasing all the writings on my desk. "Chiaki do you think this is fucking funny?" He asked me with a stern expression. "Yeah a little." I said. "Its must be funny having a slut for a mom, detention Ms Yazu." "Are you mad because my mom gave you an std?" I asked him. I could tell he was getting angrier by the second. I also noticed Kokoro and Mesume still weren't in class. Yuno says they're always late but never this late.I must've been staring into space because the headmaster was already in the class room talking to our teacher. I knew later I'd be escorted to his office and be given after school detention and 2 weeks of lunch detention. I didn't care much anyway I ate in the library so it wouldn't have affected me. Mr Kakeuri walked me down to his office to have a chat with me and my behavior is so I thought. "Ms. Yazu I'm terribly sorry for Mr. Oshibas comment on your mother and even more sorry for the way the students have been treating you at school." I could tell he wasn't sorry he just felt bad like everyone else in my neighborhood who knew about my mother. They all just pitted me which I get I guess. "It's fine it's honestly not a big deal anyways." I told him but he kept insisting on getting Mr.oshiba to say sorry to me. He eventually let me go after two hours of talking about my mom. It was already lunch time and I went to the library as always to eat and found a book about a popular idol. "The case of Yuri Azumaya" it read. I usually read crime books so I started to read it. As soon as I finished it something felt weird. So I researched about the idol. Why would Yuri kill herself? None of it made sense. There were some theories that she was killed by her ex boyfriend but that didn't add up either. Until I stumbled upon a website called "" and searched for Yuki and nothing came up about her like other idols did. I saw a link under Yuris profile and clicked on it."Weird" I said to myself. The website was only a black screen and I could only see my reflection. I had thought the computer died so I left and head back to class since lunch was almost over and I gained nothing about Yuri or what happened to her.The rest of the day I felt uneasy. "Chiaki are you okay?" Yuno asked me while putting her hand on my head."You're burning Chiaki, do you want me to take you to the nurse?" "No I'm fine we only have 3 more hours of school left anyways." I told her. "Well then I can get my driver to drive you home." I just smiled knowing that she wouldn't take no for an answer."Sure that's fine." I said.

~3 hours later~
"You ready Chiaki?" Yuno asked while grabbing her bag. "Yeah" I said. "When we walked outside I saw car that looked as if it costed half a 1.2 million yen. I felt out of place when I got into the car. "Who's this Ms. Yuno" the driver asked glaring into my soul. "She's a friend Sebastian she's staying over the house for tonight I already asked dad and he said yes." "Wait stay over?!" I said. "Did you really think I'd let you go home to a run a down place while your not feeling well?" She said. The driver just glared at me. "Very well" and kept driving. It felt like the fastest transportation I've ever taken because we got their in no time. When I saw Yunos house I looked at her and it all made sense. I never noticed she wore a more expensive uniform and the shoes were out of our strict dress code and looked like it cost as much as my houses rent. She always looked presentable while I looked raggedy with hand me down shoes and my hair never fully brushed out. When we went inside I was even more impressed."Hey dad we're going to my room so don't send anyone in to bother us unless we need something." "Alright Yun Yun." We got to her room and it was 3 times the size of my house. But the only thing I wanted to use was the computer. "Yuno do you have a computer I can use?" I asked. What a stupid question of course she has one. "Yeah there's one in the library down the hall use it as your heart contents." Of course she has a library in her house. "Okay thanks." I said and walked down to the library. I started to research Yuki again and again and still found nothing. I was ready to give up then felt someone brush their hands against my hair. I turned around and saw Yunos dad. "Yuki Azumaya great choice." He said while still fiddling with my hair. "I know a thing or two about how she died but nothing comes for free darling." I looked at him disgusted. "Sorry but my moms out of town and she isn't doing service right now."I could tell he didn't like that at all because he got mad and got more forceful.(You can just imagine what happened afterwards :( ) I felt disgusted with myself but he did at least tell me she was murdered which wasn't really worth what I let him do. "What took you so long Chiaki?" Yuno asked me. "I was just doing homework." I said while laying down on the bed." "Are you tired Chiaki?" She asked. "Yeah my head just hurts right now." I said while laying down. "Oh alright well we'll save you something at dinner alright." I smiled. She's such a saint. "Thank you Yuno" I said and fell asleep.

That was kinda bad ngl

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