Chapter Two

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IT ALL FELT like some weird dream, but when she woke up and felt her lungs take in the soot heavy air she remembered that it wasn't. She was actually in Beacon Hills sleeping on the Hale family couch. Where Derek was she had no idea. Though when her stomach growled she hoped for two things; that he would bring her some food, and two, that he would find her a better place to at least rest her head.

She reaches to find her phone but realizes it's nowhere to be found. Alex sighs and makes her way to the main area of the house. "Morning," Alex says with a gentle smile on her face. Derek's front door is open and he's leaning against the frame, his arms and legs both crossed.

He turns around and nods at her, "How'd ya sleep?"

Alex shrugs, "Eh. But, don't worry about me, I've had sleep insomnia all my life so I'm kind of used to it," she joins him in looking outside.

"What are we looking at?"

"Nothing. Just...thinking," Derek answers.


Derek clears his throat, "You said yesterday you were 17. I know we haven't figured out how to get you back to, but I think that while you're here you should probably be going to school."

"You don't think people are gonna think that something's up? Especially when a random girl all of sudden enrolls at Beacon Hills in the middle of the semester?"

"No. I thought that maybe you could go under Hale. That you're a cousin of mine who got into some trouble back home."

"Trouble? What kind of trouble?"

He shrugs, "We'll figure a story out. But, I already enrolled you. You start today."

"Wait, what?"

"Yup. I'll give you a ride there and meet with you after school. I have a few people coming over to help us figure this thing out."

"Great. But what about my school supplies? Ya know, notebooks, pencils, a calculator?"

"Right here," Derek pulls a backpack out from behind him. It was a plain mauve color with black straps. Simple, but it did its job. She'd probably find a few pins to add to make it stand out.

"When...when did you have time to get all of this?"

"This morning just before you woke up. It's about 9," Derek carefully hands the backpack to Alex, who eagerly unzips it and peeks inside. She sees an array of school supplies, neatly organized in various pockets and compartments. The vivid colors of the pens and pencils catch her eye, while the crisp notebooks beckon to be written in. The calculator gives off a subtle whir as she flips through the folders, imagining the homework that will soon be stashed in them.

"This is... thank you," her lips curled upwards in a subtle smile.

"Cmon, you're already an hour late on your first day."

"Right, right."


As Derek's Camaro pulled and parked along the curb outside the school Alex's stomach began twisting in knots. It was different than the normal jitter bugs of the first day of school, she was completely a different person once she walked past those doors.

Derek pulls into one of the empty parking spots and unlocks Alex's door, "Good luck. Remember, my last name. You're a Hale now."

She nods and gathers her things, "I know. Thanks for this, same spot at 3?"

"Yeah. I'll be here."

"Okay. I guess I'll see you later then..." Alex closes her door and makes her way to the principal's office where she would receive her class schedule and her locker number. The school seemed much bigger to her than on tv, but other than that, everything was the exact same. The way the lockers were set up, the endless and long hallways, the momentum on the walls and in bookcases of different sports.

"Ah! You must be Alex! I'll be your principal from here on out. Here's your class schedule, and on the top of the sheet is your locker number and code. I'll show you to your first class and then you'll be on your own from there. I look forward to getting to know you," The principal gave Alex a reassuring smile and passed her the schedule with a flourish. To Alex's relief, the list of classes looked fairly simple. No advanced math, no convoluted science, just the basics. Her shoulders relaxed a bit, and she felt a small wave of confidence wash over her.

"Thanks, I guess. It says my first class is with Mr. Finstock?" Alex knew exactly who that was. That was their economics teacher, physical ed, and lacrosse coach. She knew that most students called him "coach."

"Yes, he teaches economics. Most students say that he's one of their favorites," the principal walks from behind his desk and opens the door for Cassidy to lead the way.

Alex chuckles softly, "That makes me feel a little better."

"I'm sure you'll make plenty of friends in this class. However, beware of Mr.Stiles... he's known to... let's just say cause trouble."

She smiles knowing exactly just what he means by that. The endless amounts of pranks he and Scott have pulled on coach aren't exactly forgettable.

"I'll keep that in mind."

The principal and Alex slipped into the classroom, pausing for a moment to let the coach finish his spiel. Then, with a subtle cough to catch everyone's attention, the principal stepped forward with an air of authority. "Mr. Finstock? You have a new student. Meet Alex Hale."

Hale. Alex Hale.

Hearing someone say that was odd. She never imagined herself being a Hale. She never really imagined herself being in Teen Wolf either, but here she is...

"Oh! There's a free spot by Stiles in the middle row. Stiles? Wave your hand so Alex knows who you are."

Stiles waves his hand enthusiastically and Alex makes her way to the spot next to him. She pulls out her notebook and a pen to take notes with. It felt weird sitting next to Stiles as she watched him less than 24 hours ago on a TV screen.

"If you want notes from yesterday and the day before, and the day before... you can have mine. I don't know if you'll be able to read my handwriting though," Stiles chuckles softly.

Alex smiles, "Thanks. I'm sure I'll need them. I have never taken an economics class before..."

Stiles tilts his head, "Really? You didn't take one at your last school?"

"Nope. Didn't even have the option to take one."

"Oh. Well, uh, I'm sure coach can catch you up on this chapter. I think he has extra textbooks in his office."

"I'll ask him after class."


Stiles and Alex head out into the hallway after the bell rings, where they see Scott and Allison having a conversation near their lockers. "Scott! Allison! Meet Alex, our newest classmate."

Alex's smile widened into a timid wave, her demeanor charmingly shy.

"It's nice to meet you, Alex," Allison replies.

"You too. Uh, what class do you guys have next?"

"We all have algebra, unfortunately," Stiles sighs and slumps his shoulders. Algebra was probably his least favorite class.

"That's what I have too, actually. Do you mind if I join you guys?"

Scott smiles and nods his head. "That's fine with me."

Maybe being in Teen Wolf wouldn't be so bad after all... Maybe this is where she's meant to be...

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