
780 19 12

Words: 1928

Quick FYI, no love interest. Maybe in future but I highly doubt it.






A 15 year old male was seen along walking down an empty road in the middle of the night using a walking stick. Heavy rain pouring down, streets blackened from the lack of light only to be illuminated for brief seconds of a thunder strike. This man's name was Y/n Stockton, he wore a baggy gray long sleeve shirt, dark blue jeans, and a black cloth covering his eyes. He had medium lengthed brown hair. And was a little over 5'9 in height. His skin was a ghostly pale color, sunken cheeks, skinny to the bone yet covered by the clothing, he looked like a living walking corpse. Scars along his face, some barley seen from under the bandage.

He walked along this lonely road, considering himself lucky for it being so deserted, ever since the incident he preferred the quite. He stopped in his tracks hearing a rustling type noise. It sounded like something moving through leaves; he was confused but curious at the same time. Turning his attention to the sound, it suddenly seemed to have quited down. Turning away he continued to walk down the road scratching at the bit scarring peeking out from under the bandage of his eye.

After some time, he found what appeared to be a small clearing. The ground was littered with dead leaves and trees surrounded him on all sides with a satisfying crunch under his feet with each step. Finding his way to a bench he sat down setting the cane against the seat leaning back staring up to the night sky. The cool breeze of the air flowing past him, the only sound being that of the wildlife around the park. Thirty minutes later he could feel his body suffering from the lack of sleep, so he stood up heading back to his house but decided taking the loung way home. Entering the house he was by his pet cat Luna rubbing against his leg begging for attention. He quickly changed into a pair of sweats, laying on his bed petting the cat. The room was pitch black, the light of the moon blocked out from the curtains. Raising his hands he wrapped his slender fingers around the bandages slowly unraveling it setting it down on the desk next to his bed. He scratched at his scars laying in bed listing to the calming sound of rain hitting on the window soon slipping into sweet unconsciousness.

***10 Years Ago***

A 5 year old Y/n sat in the break room at his mother's work place, refinog biowaste management inc. He sat at a table eating a bag of generic off brand chips, drawing in a coloring book while his mom was working, it was a holiday and last second so he had to come with so he wouldn't be left alone as his father left the family three months into his birth. His mother promised they'd only be there for a few hours at most. A minute later he heard a pair of footsteps nearing, the door opening a second after. An older male and young girl around his age entered the room, a father and daughter. The father left a minute after as the girl entered, setting her own coloring book down at the table and getting something from the vending machine. She wore a dinosaur sweater with a clip in her hair. She sat down and propped up the bag of chips and began drawing. Y/n was contemplating on if he should introduce himself or not, multiple thoughts and scenarios going through his mind letting his nerves take over. Finally deciding to do so. "Hi, I'm Y/n. What's your name?" He questioned, the girl glanced up not answering staying quite. "I-I like you're drawing." He said again in hopes of staring a conversation. Once again she said nothing turning her attention back to the drawing.

"You know, my mom works here too. Maybe we can hang out sometime." Y/n offered. She paused, turning her gaze upwards with a deadpan look not saying anything. 'Nevermind.' He muttered turning his focus elsewhere regretting even talking. A few minutes passed in awkward silence when he stood up having to use the bathroom. Walking out the room he roamed the barren halls looking for the bathroom. He eventually found the room doing his business. While washing his hands the lights started to flicker soon leaving the room in pitch blackness for a second before being illuminated by a red glow. The mirror infront of him immediately caught his attention as it started shifting around like a liquid, the reflections becoming distorted as the surface flowed into a flat plane. His attention was soon caught as a small black square landed infront of him bouncing into the sink. He looked on in confusion wondering where it came from.

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