MY Apologetic Mushroom

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Title: MY Apologetic Mushroom (One Shot)


"Today, i will announce our activity tommorow and its Cooking!!" The teacher squeled. 'i think the teacher is hungry or whatever.' You thought and rolled your (eyes color) eyes. "As i was saying, i will divided all of you in two members. Well, i got a copy and decided to." The teacher said. We all groaned. So me and (best friend name) cant be or can be team?? I sighed. "Cook or Bake whatever you want and the best dish are the best team!!" The teacher said and pumped up in the air.

Really??, Is she a teacher??

You looked at the window. You heard your name called. You looked at the teacher, who is standing in front of you. "(Last name)-san, are you listening what am i saying??" The teacher asked. You trembled and looked down. "Gome ne, Sensei i-i didnt listening!!" You said. You stand up and bowed. The teacher sighed and went back to the front. "(Last name)-san, pay attention." The teacher said. You nodded and sit to your chair.

"As i was saying, Momoi and Aomine will be a Team B." The teacher said. Then Aomine stood up and he slam his hand to his desk. "WHA-WHAT!!, SENSEI!!, BUT!!'--" Aomine said and cut off. "No but Aomine!!" The teacher said and give a death glare into Aomine. Aomine gulped and sit back to his sit.


The teacher coughed. " Then Team A are (Last name) and Sakurai!!" The teacher said and close the mini notebook. Aomine stood up. "Sensei i want to teammate to Sakurai!!" Aomine yelled. The teacher hit Aomine in the head. "Shut Up, if you have a complained, complained to my tummy!!" The teacher said and went to the door. The others student chukled. "The Kitchen Classroom are opened so you can practice!!, and class dismmised!!" The teacher said and went out. Some student went out too.

Your PoV
I gathered my papers with doodles and put in my bag.

Some poke my shoulder. "A-A no, (L-Last name)-san??" I look at my side and i saw Sakurai. "Oh?, Sakurai what do you need??" I asked and looked at him. "I-I was thinking i-if y-you want t-to p-practice our c-cooking or s-something??" He stuttered. I giggled at his cuteness. "Stop!! stop stuttering Sakurai!! I will not eat you!!" I said and smiled to him sweetly. He blushed and look away.

"SORRY!!, IM SORRY!!, FOR STUTTERING I WISH IM NOT B--" he said and bowed. I sweat dropped. "You dont need to apologize, Sakurai!!" I said and he raised up. "Im so--" he said and cutted him off. "One more sorry or I punish you??" i said in joke tone. He nodded slowly. He will saying sorry when i quickly kiss him. He blushed madly.

"I told you i will punish you??, right??, lets go before someone took our place!!" I said and took his hand. I giggled at his cuteness. "(Last name)-san slow down!!" Sakurai said. I ignored him. 'WHAT THE HECK did i kiss him!?!?!' I thought. I think i love him!! I blushed in my own thought. I hide it so Sakurai didnt notice it.

Normal PoV
(Kitchen Classroom)~~~

You slammed the door and looked at the everyone in horror. They all trembled. "Sakurai, can you find a table where near in the oven?? while i was getting a ingredients??" You asked him. You turned around and looked at him. He nodded and smiled. I blushed and look away. 'This is first time Sakurai smile, well, Sakurai smiled when he was playing basketball, right??' I thought. I shake my head. That was a rare smile!!, SAKURAI RYO!!

You went to the storage room. "Wait!!, i didnt asked Sakurai, what we'll cook?!?!" You said. You went out and close the door. You jogged to Sakurai. "S-Sakurai!!, What ingredient should i pick??" You said while gasping under your breath. "Eh??, Why are gasping you didnt run, right??" He asked. You glanced at him.

"Im not a runner like you, you know??" You said and looked at him. "Im sorry!!" He said and bowed. You sighed and shake your head. "What is the ingredient, anyway??" You said and sit in the table. " didnt decided our recipe!!" Sakurai said and stood in front of you. "Y-Your right!?!, Hmmm..." You said and think for a second.

"How about CHOCOLATE CAKE!!, THAT MY FAVORITE!!" You both said. He blushed. "Im sorry?!?!" Sakurai said.
You sighed. "No its okay!!" You said and hugged him while patting his head. Everyone looks at you while saying 'aaaaawwww..' You blushed in embrassed. You didnt notice that Sakurai is smiling. "(Last name)-san, i want to say something.!!" Sakurai said and raised his head.

You hummed as respond. You break the hugged and look down. Sakurai leaned down in your ears. "I like No!!, I love you (Last name)-san." Sakurai whispered that you are the only one can hear. You flushed. "I-I Love You Too!!" You said and he give you a pecked of kiss in the lips. "Im sorry!!" Sakurai said and you hugged him. "Lets cooked together, kay??" you asked and hugged him. Sakurai hugged back. He nodded.


Extra Ending~~~~


You and Sakurai bake a caked. "Times up!!,please group K please give your dish." The teacher said. After the teacher taste the other dish, its your turned. Both of you took your dish and lay in the cloth.

You opened the dish and revealing a Chocolate cake with a chocolate syrup (maybe, i dont know how to explain?!?! just look at the piture.) in the middle its like its has a pond. The Sakurai opened the small dish. "Oh!!, What a beautiful dish!!" The teacher said and clapped her hands.

The teacher took a strawberries in the small dish and dank in the little pond. Sakurai trembled. 'is he nervous' You thought. You hold his hand and looked at you immiedately. You smiled at like Its- okay- im- here. You feel he lessend his trembled. He smiled back.

"What is it called??" The teacher asked. Both of you looked at the teacher. Sakurai blushed redder that you. Both of you looked down. "I-Its CHOCOLATE LOVERS' FAVORITE CAKE!!" you both said. The teacher smirked.

"CLASS, LET ME PRESENT THE COUPLES OF THE YEAR!!" the teacher said in teasing tone and showing both of you. Somebody are whistling and somebody clapping. "S-Sensei!!" You said. She laughes. You sighed.


"The winner is..




TEAM A!!" The teacher said. I hugged Sakurai. "WE WIN!!" you said. Then you both shared a kiss INFRONT OF YOUR CLASSMATE AND TEACHER.
"Our ship sailed!!" Your teacher squeled while punching Aomine. While Momoi is yelling. I chukled. Sakurai panicked and..and some are taking a picture.

" GOMENASAI GOMENASAI GOMENASAI GOMENASAI GOMENASAI GOMENASAI for making all of this!!" Your Kawaii Apologetic boyfriend said and bowing many times. You pinched his cheek.


Hello guys, I hope you like my One shot about Sakurai!!.

And sorry for wrong grammars and spellings!! Sorry if its lame!!

And i will make a new one shot!! maybe i will make it today, later, or tommorow, So please read it!!

I hope you enjoy it,

Please Comment, Vote and Follow me!!, Thanks!!


~Vaforever13 (yhansz_takao13)

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