iii. best summer ever

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iii. best summer ever

after some changes and complaints the makeover was over and suddenly leia was a pregnant lady, well she at least looked like one. the group just hoped that mama would believe it to keep leia from getting carded.

the group was scattered around the store watching as leia made her attempt to buy a tap. placing it on the counter, mama looked her up and down, "you sure you want to be drinking in your condition, hon?" mama questioned.

"oh it's uh.." leia laughed nervously, "it's for my husband. he.. he got a keg for the baby shower." leia came up with a quick cover up.

"oh, fancy. that'll be $39.50."

"okay." leia replied, as she moved to grab the ones from her purse she pushed the pillow to the side blowing her cover as mama moved getting a better look, grabbing the money, "i'm no lady doctor, but i think something's wrong with the baby. nice try. i'm sick of you kids, i'm calling the cops." mama said picking the phone up but leia stopped her before she could dial anything. "put the phone down, mama."

"shut up." mama continued and began dialing the numbers, "fine, but when the cops get here, how are you doing to explain to them why you give a keg to a bunch of kids?"

"it's wasn't me, it was wade." mama quickly threw her son under the bus.

"either way, you lose your liquor license. so put the phone down, sell me the tap, and we'll all have a nice fourth of july."

mama had put the phone back down, what are you, some sort of lawyer?" she asked.

"debate club. first place, junior regionals. it was over before it started." leia finished grabbing the tap and walking out the door gwen, ozzie and rory following behind her.


"to leia, the mama slayer!"

the group were standing around the ledge of the water tower around the keg as they each had a solo cup in their hands they cheered to leia. "to leia!"

"and to mrs. zapolski!" leia chuckled as everyone stared with a look of confusion on their faces. "my debate club coach, for pushing me so damn hard." she explained.

"to mrs. zapolski!" they cheered once again, rory took a sip of the beer following.

"wow. look, nik, a shooting star. make a wish." nate pointed up at the sky. "that's a firework babe." rory laughed as she walked away and sat on the side of the tower her legs dangling as she watched the fire works.

rory felt a comfortable presence beside her, she looked over and saw jay sitting down beside of her, "heyyy kelso." she smiled, the beer taking over the lightweights system. "hi rory, that was a pretty good plan you came up with." he smiled back at the girl, his eyes roaming her face the thoughts of how pretty she was taking over his mind.

"thanks jay." she replied, the boy didn't respond, "jay." she repeated, snapping her fingers lightly in front of his face snapping him out of his trance, "yea- yeah sorry sorry, what did you say?"

rory shook her head head with a smile, "nothing, silly." she said taking her fingers messing up his hair. "heyyyy." the boy complained grabbing her hand gently, holding it in his. the two making eye contact, causing rory to become red breaking the eye contact as she looked away embarrassed.

"hey, it's okay, look at me." jay said placing his hand under her chin his thumb rubbing her cheek softly. rory looked back over at him their eyes making contact once again. "you're really pretty rory, like really pretty." jay complimented the girl. the two slowly got closer to each other, before rory could respond the two were interrupted. "hey you two, having fun?" nate slurred bending down wrapping his arms around the jay and rory's shoulders.


it was the next day and the group was heading down into the forman's basement.
"okay, kids, the basement is all yours." kitty welcomed them.

"lights, shirts on, and no dancing." red listed some rules he definitely came up with on his own. leia laughed, "no dancing. you're like the guy from footloose." but she realized he wasn't joking, "no dancing, you guys."

"babe, you can fit like three of your basements in this basement." nikki stated from beside nate, placing her hand on his arm, "that sounds like a lot of work, nik. let's just use this basement" nate replied. rory shook her head with a smile, looking around the basement.

"this basement is cool, way cooler than mine." rory said, standing behind the couch behind ozzie. "don't you love all the old furniture?" gwen asked sitting down beside ozzie and leia. "yeah, all we need are some throw pillows and a tetanus shot." ozzie responded.

"mrs. forman, your home is so warm and inviting." jay told kitty putting his hand on her arm, "i mean, i can't wait to spend all summer inside of it." he smiled.

"what is wrong with you?" red questioned.

"anyway... okay. now, if you kids get bored, i found some old records and games of your dad's, and a few magazines that i don't think he wanted me to see, but i got rid of them." kitty said setting the crate down. "they were all redheads. he sure has a type! anyhoo, you guys have fun." she said before walking away.

the group all started digging threw the box, grabbing some board games out. nate grabbing a nintendo out, "whoa, this must be from a nintendo zero."

rory watched as gwen opened a candy land box and there was a brown paper bag, gwen opened it and smelled the inside of it, "no way! your grandma just hooked us up."

everyone smiled, including rory, once while she was hanging out with her cousin they tried smoking together and rory didn't hate it, it made her feel better and took her worries away for a while, so she was a little excited too honestly.

"no way."

"hell yeah!"

jay looked over and rory and nudged her side playfully, "ever smoked before?"

she didn't answer but looked at him with a shy smile giving it away, "no way! you surprise me everyday, lo."

rory playfully rolled her eyes and shook her head, "just because i'm the quiet girl doesn't mean i haven't done things before." she told him, he didn't respond just looked at her with wonder.

"what is it?" leia asked, "best summer ever!" gwen smiled.

"sign me up! but seriously, what is it?"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2023 ⏰

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