part one> the reaping

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when I woke up I noticed it was still dark, on most days this would be strange but not today, I can never sleep in on reaping which is slightly disappointing because you can seldom sleep in past six in district four.

I'm so nervous for today, I know it's very unlikely for me to be reaped considering my name is only in twice but my older brother's name is in four times, if he were to be reaped someone else would probably volunteer for him but still I can't get the thought of one of us in the games out of my head.

I lay in bed staring at the ceiling for about an hour before I finally fall back asleep.

I wake up at about eight o'clock to the smell of my mother in the kitchen cooking breakfast. I walk to the dining room/living room and am met by my mother cooking eggs and bacon while my father and brother sit casually chatting at the table. "Delilah dear will you come over here and stir these eggs up for me?" my mother asks as I sit down. "yeah" I replied with no enthusiasm in my voice. I don't know why she couldn't have just asked my brother Alex she obviously needed help before I woke up.

after breakfast my mom does the dish while she, Alex, and my dad talk about some I don't have the energy to pay attention to "honey are you alright?" my mother says pulling me out of my thoughts. "what, oh yeah I'm fine" I replied but she wasn't convinced "Delilah don't worry sweetheart you're not going to get reaped, and if you do someone will volunteer for you, I'm sure" she says with a hand on my back. "mom you getting dishwater all over my shirt!" I say jokingly, trying to change the subject.

"ok sorry," she says holding up her hands. "why don't you get changed and we can go to the market, need to get some stuff for dinner tonight," she says before I walk back to my room.

I look in my closet and pull out a light green dress, I may as well put on my reaping clothes so I don't have to change later. I walk over to my mirror and brush out my medium brown hair leaving it loose, my mom can help me with it later.

first, we go to the fish shop and my mom buys some cod to fry up tonight for dinner. next stop is the mercantile, my mother is admiring the fabrics while I look at the jewelry on the other side of the store. "oh Delilah look at this one wouldn't this look so beautiful on you" she says as she holds up a lilac colored floral piece of fabric. "yeah that's pretty" I respond. I would never wear it but I know she's not going to buy so I don't see the point in hurting her feelings.

the bell on the door rings and I turn to see who is there.

Finnick Odair, he's last year's victor, we've never really talked at school at least not more than a few words, he was always super popular, and it's not like I don't have friends but he definitely has more and we are definitely not friends with any of the same people.

we exchange eye contact for a couple of seconds before I look away, I don't want to be caught by my mom staring into his eyes, she would never shut up about it. my mom and I shop around for a little longer before we decide to leave, as were approaching the checkout counter I bump into someone "oh my god I'm so sorry I wasn't looking where I was going" I say before looking up, it was Finnick. "oh no it's fine" Finnick replied with a smile. I have to admit I completely understand why every girl I know is obsessed with him. "here you go first" he says holding out his hand towards the checkout counter. "oh thanks" I reply before walking to check out. as turn to leave Finnick stops me saying. "good luck today" "thanks" is all I say before walking out the door I wish I would have said more and I don't know why I didn't, I'm always so short with people because I'm if I say too much they will think I'm weird.

when we get home it's eleven and the reaping is at twelve so we should have time to put the groceries away and get ready. when me and my mom are done putting the grocery's away she says "I have to go get changed and do my hair, then I can help you with yours" "ok love you" I say as I'm about to walk to my room my mom says "oh and can you wake up your Alex I think he went back to bed after breakfast" she says as she walks to her and my dad's room "sure" I call out before she closes the door.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2023 ⏰

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