Episode 3: Mario VS Sonic

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Bowser he woke up and found himself in a mixture of Soda Jungle and Mystic Jungle

Bowser: oh man my head! What happened? What is this place? And more importantly where's the-

He looks back at his clown car and see's that the Princess is gone

Bowser: oh damn it all! Ya know what? I'll find her later. For now I need to get back to the castle and figure out what the hecks going on. Hopefully Army Bro would have dealt with Mario by now

He then gets in his clown car and flies back to his castle

Back with Mario (who lost his Raccoon form) Luigi and Yoshi try to wake him

Luigi: Mario?

Yoshi: Mario?

Luigi: Yoshi is he-a breathing

Yoshi: *checks* Mario's heart* he's still alive but he's knocked out. Any ideas on what we can do?

Luigi: hmm... *snaps his fingers* I got it! Lick his-a face Yoshi see if that'll work

Yoshi: hey great idea buddy

He then licks Mario a few times which causes Mario to wake up

Mario: huh? Oh man what a fall. Luigi? Yoshi?

Yoshi: buddy! *hugs Mario*

Luigi: bro! Thank god your alright-a.

Mario: where's-a Bowser and Peach-a?

Luigi: gone. But right now you might wanna look at this-a place

Mario then looks and sees parts of the mushroom kingdom but it now has Green hill's palm trees, loop de loops, and tiles

Mario: mama mia what happened here

Luigi: I don't know but we're not just-a in the Mushroom-a Kingdom anymore. Let's-a take a look around see if we can-a find anything

Mario: okay! Let's-a go!

Team Mario then look around the place wondering what going on. They head towards a platform from Green Hill and around the corner is Team Sonic

Sonic: maybe over here we'll have better luck with-

Mario and Sonic then bump into each other

Mario-Sonic: oof!

Sonic: hey man watch it!

Mario: me?! Why don't-a you watch it! Wait a minute... where did you come from?

Sonic: I could ask you the same thing. What are you more of Eggman's henchmen?

Knuckles: he has to. I mean look at him the body, the moustache, he has it all

Mario: hey!

Tails: guys are you sure we should-

Mario: if that's-a so true then you must-a be working for Bowser!

Sonic: ya know what? I've had enough of this. Come on let's dance!

Luigi: dance? Wait.. you don't mean-

Mario: very well come and-a fight us! I won't hold back

Sonic: neither will we!

Both teams charge towards each other and the battle begins

Yoshi then starts throwing eggs at Knuckles

Yoshi: yeah! Take that! *throws another egg*

Knuckles: *breaks it* your gonna have to do better than that Dino brain!

Yoshi: Dino brain?! Oh that really dose it!

With Luigi and Tails

Luigi: and that is-a why you respect your elders kid!

Tails: I would but I can't. Because your not even my dad! Besides I'm way smarter than you!

Luigi: ha! You couldn't even-a hurt a fly

Tails: then try me!

They charge towards each other

Sonic: your going down old timer!

Mario: hey! Just-a so you know I'm-a 30!

Sonic: can you dodge this! *spin dashes into Mario*

Mario: take that! *hits Sonic with a hammer*

The 2 teams continue fighting until...

???: hold it right there Mario!

Team Mario-Team Sonic: huh?

They turn to see Army Bro, Boom Boom, Pom Pom and a legion of Hammer, Boomerang, Fire, Ice, Sumo, Sledge Bros, Amazing Flying Hammer Bros

Army Bro: you and your little animal friends are coming with me!

Boom Boom: by the orders of King Bowser your coming with us!

Pom Pom: we might suggest you give up if you wanna avoid a serious butt kicking

Army Bro: you heard em!

Mario: we're not-a going anywhere Army Bro!

Sonic: you know this guy?

Mario: he's an enemy from-a my world duh

Sonic: oh...

Army Bro: then have it your way! Attaaaaaaaaaack!

All of Army Bro's troops charge towards the heroes

Mario: guys looks like in order for us-a to survive we're gonna have to work-a together

Sonic: I hate to admit but the moustached man right. We have no choice if we wanna stay alive!

Luigi-Tails: right!

Yoshi-Knuckles: okay!

Army Bros's troops then surround them

Mario: let's-a go!

Sonic: time to party!

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