Light Gathers Darkness | 18+(Reverse harem)

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by xx-WillowDane-xx

"Be a good girl for us, little love."

I watch them coming closer. "D-daddy, wha-" "Be a good girl and bend over."


Daisy Solace is a girl who has everything going great in her life. She works in the local coffee shop-something she loves. She has her own small but cozy apartment and her friends are the best.

Then why does she feel like something's missing?

And what if she finds it in the three clients that stumble in the shop one day, but never leave her after?

They're the darkness everyone avoids, but as the poets say; light will always gather the darkness, no mater what.

WARNING: contains strong BDSM and pain in sex. If you are not into sadist and masochist relationships, this is NOT the book for you! This books is reverse harem, which means the MC ends up with the multiple love interests.

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