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"May May please let me get you changed." Natalie sighed as she attempted to calm the toddler who was running around her bedroom in Natalie's small flat. They'd just moved back to London so Natalie could escape the guy who'd given her Maiya. The toddler was a blessing and a curse, but more of a blessing if you discount her father.
The 21 year old sat back on her heels and waited for Maiya to come back to her. The kid had endless amounts of energy, it was crazy.

Eventually, the curly haired toddler sat on her mothers lap and looked up at her.
"I love you Mummy." she smiled, finally sitting patiently as Natalie helped get her changed.
"I love you too May May." Natalie gave her daughter a kiss on the cheek and lifted her onto her hip. "Now, for breakfast. What would you like?"
"Stawbewwies." The 3 year old giggled and kicked her legs, hitting Natalie several times in the stomach.
"Darling don't kick." Natalie shifted Maiya higher on her hip and entered the kitchen. Putting Maiya down, the blonde grabbed some strawberries out the fridge and making her daughter's usual breakfast of heated Weetabix with strawberries on top.
While the toddler was hungrily tucking into her breakfast, Natalie started on her own. Tea and toast with marmalade. She sat down while the toast was toasting and took a sip of her tea, watching her daughter eat.

Natalie often wondered why she ended up in this situation; a teen mum who's moved back to her hometown with a toddler that barely resembled her. Her mind wandered, imagining what her life would have been like if she stayed in London instead of having to move to Manchester for the end of secondary school and college. Maybe she would have confessed a few crushes. Maybe she would have a stable friendship group. Maybe she would have settled down with a partner. But she would never know, because she had to move.
She didn't necessarily blame her father for ruining her life, it wasn't really his fault. He was trying to provide a better life for her, with a promotion and better job up in Manchester. But Manchester was where Natalie's life started to go downhill. It was where she was bullied. It was where she was assaulted. It was where she was abused by multiple partners. It was where she became pregnant at 18. 

"Mummy?" Maiya looked up at her mother, who put her tea down and looked up. "When we going home?"
"This is home Maiya." Natalie sighed.
"No. Home has RhiRhi and Pop!" Maiya pouted, looking down at her lap.
"We don't live with RhiRhi and Pop anymore sweetie." The blonde watched her daughter pout somehow even more.
"So we won't see them?" the 3 year old's attitude dissipated and tears filled her eyes.
"We will. Just not as often." Natalie kissed her head and helped her down from her seat. "Now how about you get your bag and your coat while I eat my food okay?"
"Yes Mummy." Maiya ran into her room.


"Are you excited to see Auntie Grace again?" Natalie smiled at Maiya, whose frown immediately was replaced with a grin. Grace Mouat was an old friend from when she'd originally lived in London, but they'd managed to keep in contact when Natalie had to move to Manchester so Maiya had met her quite a few times. Needless to say, the pair were adorable.
"Yes!" The toddler clung onto her mother, burying her head into her neck as they walked down the busy streets of London.
"Tell her to text me if you really really need me okay?" Natalie kissed her head and rubbed her back, as they entered Grace's block of flats. She knew that the younger woman would probably update her regularly, but she needed Maiya to know that she could go to Grace if she needed help.

Stepping in the lift, Natalie put Maiya down, but held her hand so she wouldn't start running around and get hurt.
"I hope you and Auntie Grace have fun today." Natalie smiled at the little girl.
"Me and Auntie Gracey have all the fun!" Maiya exclaimed, lifting her free arm up dramatically to prove her point.
"I'm glad sweetie." Natalie led Maiya down the corridor and knocked on Grace's flat door.

"Hey Nat," Grace opened the door, eyes lighting up when she saw Maiya. "Hi May May! You excited for today?"
"Yeah!" Maiya giggled. "Day with Auntie Gracey!"
Natalie smiled at the interaction and Grace looked back up at the blonde.
"Do you wanna come in for a bit?" She asked.
"I would love to but I've gotta run to make sure I get to the audition on time." Natalie sighed. "It's gonna be so awkward, most of the other auditionees have been there all day."
"You'll be great. I'm sure." Grace smiled. "You have everything they want."
"Thanks." Natalie smiled a little before kneeling down next to her daughter. "Right you. Behave for Auntie Grace okay? I love you."
"I love you too mummy." Maiya grinned, hugging her quickly before running into Grace's flat. "Buh-Bye!"
"Bye May May." Natalie called back. "Thank you again Grace, you're a lifesaver."
"No problem Nat, break a leg." Grace smiled as Natalie walked back down to the lift and closed the door.

Auditions (Patkinson AU)Where stories live. Discover now