Dressing Room

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Natalie sat in her dressing room with Aimie and Grace, Maiya on her lap. Rehearsals had finished weeks ago and now they were halfway through previews. It was a tedious process but a necessary one. In the middle of a two show day, the trio were unwinding while the toddler watched some Peppa Pig on Natalie's phone.
"My god this show is a workout." Grace leaned her head on the counter in front of them.
"We know Grace, you've said this after every show." Natalie chuckled, fixing her makeup and checking her hair was still in place. "It's the life of performers."
"Ain't that the truth." Aimie played on her phone. "Crusty makeup and constant exhaustion. That's our life from now on."

The other two laughed, and Maiya looked up from Natalie's phone.
"You all are noisy." She looked at Grace.
"Sorry bubs." Grace smiled and ruffled her hair. "Your Peppa Pig looks very important."
"It is." Came the indignant reply. The three women laughed.
"Was Courtney and Vicki fun to play with while mummy was busy?" Natalie asked.
"Yeah!" Maiya smiled. "I beat Vic Vic in a race! But not as fun as Auntie Gracie."
"Of course no one is as fun as Auntie Grace." Grace smiled proudly, sticking her tongue out at Natalie.

"Hey girls." There was a knock at the door, followed by Millie's, who played Anne Boleyn, voice. "Can I come in?"
"Of course Mils." Aimie smiled from the back, fixing her makeup. The door opened and the tall woman walked in. All the cast had bonded quite closely during rehearsals and now they were almost in full swing, they were closer than ever.

"Do you guys wanna go out for a group dinner after the show today?" Millie asked, leaning against the door. "I found this cool new restaurant a few streets down and thought we could all go."
"Nat and I have plans but I'm sure we could do it after that." Aimie smiled a bit. Natalie nodded, picking Maiya up and placing her on the sofa with her phone.
"Awesome, Jaye'J, Lexi, Vicki and Courtney are coming too." The tall woman practically bounced out the room. How Millie had so much energy after the show was a miracle in the other girls' mind.


The three basically stumbled off the stage when the exit music started playing and the plastered smiles from their faces dropped. That show was exhausting.
"Hey, we did it." Aimie chuckled at Natalie panting while leaning against the wall. "The first two show day."
Grace slumped on the stairs leading to the dressing rooms.
"I'm just about dead." She groaned, tugging at the collar of her costume and getting up. The three walked down to their dressing room, quickly changing back into their normal clothes and taking their hair down.

"My stamina better increase within the next 24 hours or I think I might just faint after every show." Natalie wiped the makeup off her face, leaning her head in her hands.
"Please don't." Aimie placed a hand on her knee. Natalie shrugged as a knock came from the door.

"Come in." Smiling a little as Vicki walked in with Maiya on her hip, Natalie put her wipes in the bin and stood up, taking her daughter from the alternate. "Has she been good?"
"An angel as always." Vicki grinned. "And also constantly giving me baby fever but I digress."
"It's not as pretty as it seems." Natalie laughed slightly. "I can't thank you enough for looking after her."
"It's really nothing. Sitting backstage alone can be really boring sometimes. I'm grateful for company." Vicki ruffled Maiya's hair, to which the toddler pouted and glared at her. The women laughed, and Grace stood up.

"We don't wanna keep Millie waiting," she took Maiya so Natalie could finish getting ready. "I'll wait out the front. No... fooling around you two."
Grace pointed between the two, leaving the room with Vicki. As if she thought that! The two hadn't even kissed yet.

Natalie turned to Aimie, giggling a bit. The older woman was playing on her phone, not really paying attention.
"Aims." Natalie lifted the brunette's chin with her fingers. "We need to go."
"Oh right." Aimie jumped up, grabbing her bag. Natalie stopped her before she could get out the door.
"Hold on." The blonde cupped her cheeks, leaning up to press a soft kiss on her girlfriend's lips. Smiling, Aimie returned the favour and wrapped her arms around Natalie's waist.

"Oi, you two," Lexi's voice came through the door, accompanied by an impatient knock. "Stop fucking, we're all waiting for you."
Aimie and Natalie broke apart, quickly opening the door and both shooting a glare at Lexi.
"We were not fucking for your information." Aimie murmured, wrapping her arm around Natalie's waist as they walked down to the stage door.


The food at the restaurant was mediocre at best, and they would have hated it, if it wasn't for the servers occasionally breaking out in show tunes.
"Damn she's good." Jaye'J commented, discarding her meal and just sipping on her drink. Another server had started singing with a mic, belting out Defying Gravity.
"And fit too." Lexi chuckled.

Natalie wasn't paying attention to what was going around her anymore as she attempted to get Maiya to eat at least some of her food. The toddler was kicking her legs and refusing to open her mouth, except for screaming an indignant "No!" at her mother.
"Someone's tired." Grace looked over at the pair. "Want me to take her home? We're pretty much done here anyway."
"Please." Natalie sighed desperately. "Thanks for taking her tonight."
"No problem." Grace chuckled. "Wouldn't want her to be scarred after hearing you two at it."
"Grace!" Natalie scolded the woman. "We didn't even kiss properly until today."
"Okay. I'm sorry mum." Grace teased before taking over with Maiya.

Natalie rolled her eyes and leaned her head on Aimie's shoulder.
"Tired?" The older woman whispered, wrapping her arm around her waist. Natalie replied only with a nod.
The check was brought over and despite many protests, Millie was adamant on paying. Eventually they all gave in, the raven haired woman paid and they all parted.

Natalie took Aimie's hand as they made their way to Aimie's car. They were quickly back at the older woman's flat and were cuddling on the sofa.
Suddenly a ball of white fluff bounced in, jumping straight onto Aimie's lap, beginning to lick her face.
"Wolfie, stop, Wolfie!" The brunette scolded the dog, stroking her fur. "This is Natalie, Natalie this is Wolfie."
"Hi Wolfie." Natalie giggled, giving the spitz a scratch behind the ear. "I wish my parents dogs were this friendly."
Natalie yawned, snuggling further into Aimie's side.

"You're tired. Do you wanna postpone our plans until tomorrow morning?" Aimie suggested. Natalie nodded and the two stood up, shifting their cuddling from the sofa to Aimie's soft bed. Natalie laid her head on her girlfriend's chest, as Wolfie curled up at their feet.
"She's a guard dog." Aimie chuckled, looking at the small dog. Natalie laughed tiredly, closing her eyes and letting the mixture of Aimie's heartbeat and scent lull her to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2023 ⏰

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