Prologue: Freedom

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(Y/N)'s POV
All I hear is an eerie silence, I was still alive after several years of imprisonment in this tomb, and now I'm all alone only seeing to the bones of my kind after the supplies ran out. I knew from the beginning that I should have not trusted a wrecked human named Chen. I swear to the first spinjitzu master if I get out of here, I will kill him with my bare hands, and to my despair.
My life was slowly fading away and my breathing becomes slower as my heart beat steadily.
I would do anything for freedom and that's all I asked for.

I am trying to keep my eyes open but they were heavy and I was half-lidded as my vision blurred slightly.
"I guess...this is it...I'm done for" I mumbled as memories flood my mind as if life flashed before my eyes like the cold embrace of death is growing near.

My thoughts were interrupted by footsteps but I was so weak to even slither over the sound.
"Hello.Anybody there!?" Hearing that brought me hope and I weakly stand as I gripped the walls before a light shined at the corner.
"Aha I found a serpentine" That sounded like a child and I hear his footsteps coming closer to me.
"Where are the others?" I could sense the disappointment in the boy and I frown, knowing that I am the last of my kind.
"They're...all...dead" I replied with a weak tone as my stomach growled in hunger.
"Better than nothing. Come on let's get out here and you'll be my henchmen"
The boy told me as he started walking away, I followed him out of the tomb in my weak and tarnished state but my prayers had finally been answered at least which is the freedom that I wanted for several years of imprisonment.
~A few minutes later~
No one's POV
"What is your name?" The boy asked the snake as they exited the tomb.
"My name is...(Y/N) (L/N)" The snake introduced himself before grabbing an insect from the ground and eating it quickly, Lloyd shuddered at the snake's behavior
"I'm Lloyd Garmadon and from now on you will be my servant," He tells the snake, and (Y/N) nods in agreement after devouring more insects.
"Serving you is a great exchange for my freedom and I promise to be loyal to you Lloyd" The snake promised while crossing his heart on his chest with his index finger.

"Great and now let's free the fangpyres" The boy begins to start walking and his new companion followed from right behind him while slithering.

This was the start of a friendship between (Y/N) and Lloyd. The promise is kept and their journey begins now.

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