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(Y/N)'s thoughts #1:
Lloyd has never had experiences with the serpentine except for a little bit ever since he got betrayed twice by Hypnobrai and Fangpyre.

But now. We're facing my cowardly, incompetent, and lacking finesse cousin: Pythor freaking P. Chumsworth. He is the definition of trying to be so cunning and smart but in reality. He is not.

Let's see what he is going to do this time ever since Lloyd freed us from our prison.

No One's POV
The trio infiltrated a school called Darkley's School of Bad Boys, a school that Lloyd Garmadon used to attend but got kicked out there.

(Y/N) is going to feel bad about this one since more children are involved in this.

(Y/N)'s POV
I finished tying up the children along with their skeleton teachers as well.
"I'm sorry children but this is nothing person" I apologize sincerely before slithering out of the classroom.

"I tied them up Lloyd" I informed him with slight guilt in my tone as I followed them while my cousin and Lloyd rode their skateboards along the corridor of the school.

Following them up to the rooftop. I slither close to Lloyd but also occasionally give my cousin a sneaky glare when he is not looking.

'I do not want to see you again, cousin. You're kind's stupidity made the Elemental Masters banish the other Anacondrai into the Cursed Realm.' I begin to think to myself, knowing that I must not waste my freedom by creating a war with humans.

My thoughts were interrupted when I looked up to see an anchor from the sky, coming down upon us.

I immediately dashed forward, dodging the anchor narrowly. I slither to Lloyd helping him up.
"What the hell is going on there" I muttered to myself while looking at the giant hole.

To my surprise. It was the ninjas Lloyd talked about and I felt... amused by this. These colored ninjas looked funny to me, chuckling to myself.

Me and my cousin got down there. I then went undetected while slithering down there.

I returned with Pythor back to the rooftop. I watched my cousin close the hatch door with a piece of wood.
'Idiot.' I muttered under my breath while still in my undetected state.

The Blue ninja burst through the hatch door with his nunchucks spinning fast.
"Shocked to see me?" I heard the blue ninja say towards Lloyd and Pythor. 

My cousin chuckled evilly before Pythor grabbed Lloyd's map to the Serpentine tombs.
"What are you doing? I thought you were my friend?" Lloyd felt betrayed by Pythor and I glared at my cousin.

"All you wanted was the serpentine to be your slaves. Well sorry, my dear boy. I have other plans" My cousin went invisible, leaving Lloyd behind.

Yet I am still here with Lloyd, not leaving him, nor will I betray him since my freedom is in exchange for servitude towards Lloyd.

"Uh... I have another serpentine with me!" Lloyd was now sounded in desperate need of me. 
"Well I don't see another big snake with you and I bet you are bluffing," The Blue Ninja replied while spinning his golden nunchucks above his head.

I came out of my undetectable state before I hissed threatening towards the Blue Ninja.
"Ahhh!" The Blue screamed in terror as he backed away from me.

"I'm still here Lloyd" I smiled at the little boy as I felt his hands holding the sleeve of my kimono.
A flying ship descends and the three ninjas come up to the roof as well.

No One's POV
"Lloyd Montgomery Garmadon. You came here right now!" Sensei Wu exclaimed to his nephew.

"Uh... Sensei. What kind of snake is that?" Jay asked Wu about (Y/N) since the ninjas didn't know about the Spectral Walker snake.

Seeing the purple snake made Sensei Wu's eyes widen in surprise because he thought the Spectral Walker had gone extinct long ago but Wu thought wrong upon seeing (Y/N).

"You will not touch this child!" (Y/N) hissed threateningly while protectively holding Lloyd.
"Don't worry. I will not hurt Lloyd" Wu reassured (Y/N) as the Spectral Walker could feel that the old man could be trusted since (Y/N) believed in Sensei Wu's words.

(Y/N) responses with a firm nod before he held Lloyd's hand before the little boy and the Spectral Walker hopped onto the deck of Destiny's Bounty.

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