Chapter One

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Iruka Umino sighed, not especially shocked by the fact that Kakashi and Guy were blatantly unaware of his presence as they sat at Ichiraku Ramen.

Iruka had shown up about fifteen minutes before the best friends had, sitting at one of the stools on the end and ordering a bowl as he mulled over some papers from his students, silently wishing that Naruto was there with him. The excitable blonde was busy, having left a few weeks prior to go travel and train with no other than one of the legendary Sannin, Jiraiya.

When Kakashi Hatake and Might Guy had shown up, they'd sat on the opposite end that Iruka had, seemingly too enthralled with whatever conversation they were having to notice Iruka there. While Iruka was just now finishing his bowl of ramen and packing up his papers to put into the bag he carried with him every day, the two Jonin were still waiting on their food to be ready. Teuchi and Ayame were busy making the bowls of noodles, having a talk of their own that Iruka wasn't really listening to.

"No book today, Kakashi?" Guy questioned, and Iruka briefly glanced over at Kakashi. Usually, the silver-haired man would have some brightly colored copy of one of the books in the Icha Icha series peeking out of one of his back pockets, but as Guy had pointed out, there was nothing there.

Iruka furrowed his eyebrows, tuning in to hear what Kakashi's response would be as he pulled out some cash to pay his tab, shooting Ayame a quick smile.

"Ah, I'm afraid not," Kakashi huffed, resting his elbows on the table. "I'm out of reading material right now. Jiraiya's so busy training Naruto that he hasn't been able to publish much as of late, and I've already read and reread everything in that shop that's worth reading a million times over; Icha Icha Paradise, Violence, and even some series that Jiraiya didn't write."

"Wow, that's rare!" Guy's eyebrows shot up, his jaw dropping. "From my understanding, you're rather picky about your reading material!"

"I am..." Kakashi admitted, rubbing the back of his neck with his hand before running his fingers through his hair. "I've been scouring the bookshop I go to every day for new material, but so far, there's been nothing. Hopefully, some new authors come onto the scene or I'll be lost until Jiraiya gets back."

Suddenly, Iruka's mind began to race. Though he hadn't been the best student in school, he'd always been a talented author, even making a couple of books for his kids or using writing in his lessons. Realistically, he was aware of the fact that his school papers and kids' books were completely different from Kakashi's erotic material, but he figured he could manage to do something decent...

At this point, you readers might be wondering; why would an academy teacher write an erotica novel just to help a man who was complaining about being out of reading material due to Jiraiya's absence? Well, the short answer was rather simple; Iruka Umino had a crush. The long answer was a little more complicated; Iruka Umino had a crush on someone he felt was out of his league and didn't know how to express his emotions properly, so he chose to indirectly express his love through the form of favors and services because he knew that Kakashi Hatake was too emotionally oblivious to pick up on it being a romantic thing.

"I wish you the best of luck in your, er, book finding endeavors!" Might said, sounding a little awkward and looking genuinely relieved when both his and Kakashi's bowls were set on the wooden counter in front of them with chopsticks for each. "But for now, it seems like our food is ready! Wanna make a contest of it, my eternal rival?"

"You're on."

The two men started downing their ramen ridiculously fast, and Iruka took his opportunity to exit unnoticed, giving Ayame and Teuchi a wave before standing up and briskly walking away from Ichiraku.

He was about to head home to work like he usually would when he remembered something.

He needed a notebook.


When he got home that night, he disregarded all of the papers from his academy students that he knew he should've been grading, as well as the food in the fridge that he knew he should've been making for dinner, on top of all of the laundry that had been sitting in his hamper for the past two weeks, and probably a million other things, too.

He didn't care, honestly. He'd regret it in the morning, sure, but right now? He wanted to write.

So, he took the little notebook out of the cheap plastic bag it'd come in and set it down on the wooden desk he had in his living room, grabbing a pen from his vest as he took off the green garment and hung it on his roller chair. Finally, he let his hair down from its usual ponytail, kicked his shoes off, and sat down at his desk to write.

Iruka wasn't the most experienced in this area- Kakashi was probably a lot more experienced, but Iruka had read enough romance novels and dreamed up enough crazy fantasies of him and his crush to pull something off.

Figuring that he'd start with something simple while he still had the motivation, he let go of all his inhibitions and opened the notebook to the first page so he could start writing. Slowly, his neat yet loopy handwriting began to take up the once clean lines on the paper.

'Desire clouded any of the logical thoughts that could've possibly crossed his mind, the feeling mindnumbing yet somehow able to increase all of his senses tenfold. Every brush of skin against his, every noise that fell from in between his lover's pink lips, every little thing had him growing more and more desperate regardless of how little the taller man had actually touched him. Thin, nimble fingers gripped the younger man's brown tresses, pulling on them as hard as possible to convey what he couldn't with his words.'

"God, this is embarrassingly terrible..." Sunkissed hands slowly rose to cover the brunette's eyes and cheeks, both to hide his blush despite no one else being there to see it and to keep him from looking at what he'd just written. "There's no way he'd read this and take it seriously!" Iruka exclaimed, feeling his face burn red as he shook his head. The idea for his story wasn't necessarily bad, but he wasn't used to writing adult fiction- no, he was used to writing reports for work and the occasional children's book to keep his younger kids entertained, maybe even a poem or a diary entry when he was feeling particularly emotional, but porn? This wasn't his forte. Still, though, he wanted to go through with it. Surely if he tried hard enough, he could make it good enough for Kakashi to want to read.

Shaking his head, he decided that he'd at least title the series. That would be a good start, right?

He stood up, grabbing his pen and staring at the notebook that rested on his kitchen table before making a decision and writing it down on the front cover.

Verbatim: Book One

Verbatim (Kakashi Hatake x Iruka Umino)Where stories live. Discover now