Chapter Seventeen

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Iruka Umino let out a soft groan as his eyes fluttered open, the nice dream that he'd been having briefly escaping him. He realized that he was in Kakashi Hatake's bed rather quickly, but didn't panic like he had last time, as he remembered everything that happened. He'd had some sake the night before, sure, but it wasn't enough to annihilate his memory- just enough to slightly cloud his judgment. Logically, he knew that jumping into bed with Kakashi yet again wasn't the best decision he'd ever made- especially when the option of talking about his feelings like a rational human being was very much present- but alas, his emotions and desires had managed to get the best of him.

He was a bit disoriented, but content nonetheless. He remembered the writing that him and Kakashi had been working on together the night before and sighed, knowing that he'd have to finish those drafts soon, as well as grade some papers that were still at his apartment.

He wasn't sure whether or not Kakashi was awake.

"Hey, Kakashi..." Iruka mumbled, turning over to face the older man. Kakashi's back had been facing him, but the Jonin quickly turned to face him as well. "I don't have work today, right?"

This time, he was sure to make sure that he didn't have any prior commitments that day so he wouldn't have to panic and rush out of the house like he had last time upon realizing that he'd had work that day.

Kakashi's laugh was bright and soft, a low sound that Iruka tried to memorize as he felt a pair of strong arms wrap around his waist. "It's Saturday, Iruka."

"Awesome." Iruka's let out a sigh of relief as Kakashi's hands began to soothingly move up and down his lower back. The brunette allowed his eyes to fall shut as he leaned into the touch, able to feel the Jonin's blunt nails lightly brushing against his warm skin. It briefly reminded him of something his mother would do when he was young- when he'd have nightmares, she'd come into his room and hold him, gently run her hand over his back until he fell asleep, and sit with him for the rest of the night. There had been a time when thinking back on it would make him cry, but now, he could only smile at the fond memory.

"Sleeping well there?" Kakashi's voice snapped him out of his flashback, and he opened his eyes again before moving closer to the older man's warmth.

"Yeah... I was, anyways. You mind?"

"Not at all," Kakashi answered, pulling his arms back from Iruka's face and crossing them behind his head, staring up at the ceiling. He looked comfortable, sure, but it was only then that Iruka noticed just how much damage he'd done on the older man the night before. Kakashi had red marks on his wrist in the shape of the cloth from the forehead protector that had kept them tied together, hickeys all over his neck and chest, a couple of bitemarks... "In fact, I think I'll join you."

"Did I hurt your wrists last night?" At Iruka's question, Kakashi sat up, looking down at his wrists. It was clear that he himself was only just now realizing the minor effects from their little liaison. "Or you in general? You look pretty bruised up."

"A bit, but I don't mind it-" Iruka was about to object and apologize, but before he could, Kakashi was moving. The silver-haired man laid on his stomach between Iruka's legs, resting his cheek against the brunette's midsection and wrapping his arms around his waist again. "I liked it. Stop worrying so much."

"Oh," Iruka didn't know what else to say as he stared down at Kakashi, who had allowed his eyes to fall shut again. "You're comfy."

"You are, too," Kakashi mumbled. Iruka laid back, head on the pillow as they stayed like that- him staring up at the ceiling and Kakashi staring up at him as he gently ran a hand through the older man's hair, admiring the soft, fluffy texture it had. "What are your plans today?"

"I don't know yet since I don't have work. What about you?"

"Well, this is just a thought, but..." The Jonin trailed off, and Iruka took the opportunity to stare at him a bit as he moved up. Now, Kakashi's chin was resting on his chest, upper body splayed out across the brunette's midsection. He found the weight to be calm and comforting, but now that he was sobered up after the night before, he took in the sight of Kakashi's face, and he still wasn't used to it, though he wanted to get used to it. Really, he wished that he could see that smile every day, and that thought made him realize just how domestic this little scene was; both of them with a day off of work, cuddling after waking up in the morning and talking like lovers. "We could make a weekend out of this. You're free to stay for another day or two- Only if you'd like, y'know, but..."

Iruka mulled over it for a moment, knowing that he really shouldn't. 'a weekend out of this' probably meant more sex, writing, and alcohol without any clear communication, but Iruka found that he couldn't quite resist the idea. Even if they didn't get to talk and make everything clear like he would've wanted, he was happy just being held in Kakashi's arms like this.

"I'd like that," Iruka grinned, the thought that Kakashi was actually interested in spending time with him outside of their sexual encounters making him happy. He was still tired nonetheless, and quickly felt himself nodding off as the feeling of Kakashi cuddling up to him made his body become warm and fuzzy. "Wanna go back to sleep? I can probably make breakfast when we get up."

To his delight, the Jonin snuggled up closer to him, dark eyes filled with nothing but gaiety.

"That sounds nice. Help yourself to whatever you want, sunshine."

Verbatim (Kakashi Hatake x Iruka Umino)Where stories live. Discover now