Chapter 6

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Mitsuo's POV

I woke up on the floor next day looks like I ended up falling asleep here last night due to exhaustion from crying. 


Then what happened yesterday came crashing back from that rumor to me expecting from my friends that they would care. From me thinking that they would shower with gifts to finding out the only person they care about was Perman and not Mitsuo. 

From finding out the people I have called my friends since I was a kid to finding out they only see me as a person who they can use to befriend Perman.


I stood up from my place and looked at myself in the mirror. I looked pathetic with dark circles under my eye to my face which had dried tears on them . My hair was a mess and eyes was bloodshot because I cried so much. 

I bet my so-called friends will think I am pathetic also ,but never voiced their thoughts only because of my connection with Perman. 

I bet the only people who genuinely care for me would me my family and Robot's friend, What was her name? ..... Yukiko. And of course Pako ,Boobi and Paayan.


I have decided if they are just gonna be fake friends then I don't need them.

I looked towards my clock and see its only six' o clock, and my eyes widened it's too early .I will freshen up first then I will talk to my parents about this. Hopefully Ganko will let me talk to them privately without eavesdropping.

Since I have already woken up early might as well exercise a little . So I went downstairs first did my morning routine and washed my face clearly to get rid of the dried tears and exhaustion from my eyes . I looked into the mirror I looked alright but dark circles still remained. 

I can't do anything about them right now, proper sleep tonight might help me. After that I changed into my track suit and decided to go for a run .


 After jogging around for half an hour. I went to the garden near river and did some crutches, push ups and pull ups. 

Who thought that being Perman can also help me in physical abilities .But I still lack in many physical aspects . I need to work on them.

After completing my exercise I take a run around my block and went home .


 It was 7:15 AM now , school will start soon . I changed from my track suit and went downstairs for breakfast .

Mom and Dad were already having their breakfast and looks like Ganko is still getting ready. My dad looked at me strangely, maybe because I was on time for once. And my mother looked at me worriedly maybe because of my dark circles.

" Mitsuo! Are you okay?" My mother asked  me still looking worried. 

"Yeah ! Of course, I am . Why do you ask?" I tried to say it into cheerful tone but it came out a little hollow which  made my mother more worried but right now my priorities are little different.

I looked at both of them . 

" Can I talk to you both about something after ganko went to bed after dinner tonight?" I asked .

While my mother looked relieved I don't know why , but my father asked " Is it something important ?"

I just nodded.

Before my father can say any thing my mother said "  Sure, If you have anything to say we will listen." I don't know why when she said it like that I felt as if she knows something.

While my father just looked at her wierdely . 

When he was about to say something we heard voice of footsteps coming from outside and it was Ganko who entered while saying "Good Morning " we greeted her back . 


And with that I left for school. On the way I bumped into someone , I am glad it was her and not any of my so-called friends. I know Robot will love to change places with me right now, it was none other than ....................................


Robot's close friend .

And for her she was Mitsuo's close friends

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