Chapter Three

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AFTER THEIR LAST class of the day, Alex makes her way into the same spot Derek said he would be. She spots his Camaro and sits in the passenger seat. There were a few times in conversation with Stiles and Scott where she almost let her secret slip up, or she almost called them the wrong names. But, she managed to keep it in, for now.

"How was your first day?" Derek asks as he pulls out of the school parking lot.

"A lot better than I expected. Met a few new friends which was nice." At her old school back in Colorado, Alex hadn't met a whole lot of new faces, she was a major introvert and hated the idea of embarrassing herself in front of strangers.

"Yeah? Good," The silence stretched on, thick with unsaid words. Finally, Derek spoke, his voice low and measured, cutting through the quiet like a knife.

"So, this morning I told you I had some people coming over to figure out how you got here, they'll be meeting us after they get home from school."

Her brow creases in confusion; why would Derek be friends with high school kids? But then she realizes that he knew Scott, Stiles, Allison, and Lydia in season one. That's most likely who he's referring to.


"You might have met them already...Scott, Stiles, Lydia, and Allison."

"Didn't Allison's dad almost?"

Derek's nod was slow and deliberate, his expression turning stony, his eyes narrowed with frustration. He didn't need to say anything - his body language spoke volumes, the tension radiating off him like a heatwave. "Yeah, he did. I forgot that you know everything."

"If I were you, I'd be pissed. I wouldn't wanna go anywhere near her. What if she pulls the same shit?"

"I doubt she would. I don't think she could harm a single soul even if she tried."

Alex chuckles, recalling the amount of times that Allison has actually hurt someone in Teen Wolf. "You'd be surprised."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Nothing, forget I said anything," Her words were soft and contemplative as they drove back to his house, her mind swirling with thoughts of Scott and Stiles. In her world, they were celebrities, actors and actresses - larger than life. But here, in this strange alternate reality, they were just normal high schoolers. The thought was surreal, disorienting, but at the same time, strangely comforting. Maybe, just maybe, she could fit in here.

"They should be here any minute," Derek pulls up to the house and leads her in.

After a few minutes of waiting for the boys to arrive, the two of them hear a loud knock on his door. "Doors open!" Derek yells.

As soon as the group walks in, they freeze. And in that moment, the silence was deafening. The group stood there, stunned, their brains trying to process the revelation that this kind, innocent girl shared the same last name as the brooding, mysterious Derek. They couldn't fathom how these two very different people could possibly be related.

"Alex?" Scott raises his eyebrows.

"Yup, hi!"

"Whoa, wait a minute, what is she doing here? I thought we were helping someone with time travel?" Stiles walks in further to the house and finds himself standing next to Derek.

"That someone would be me," Alex replies.

"So, you're not actually related to Derek in any way shape or form?" Stiles asks.

"Nope. We used his last name to cover up my story, which is the fact that I'm not from this universe and I need to get back to mine somehow."

Stiles's eyes light up, "Dude! That's sick!"

Alex chuckles and shakes her head, "I would love to stay in Teen Wolf for the rest of my life if I could, but unfortunately I do have my own world to get back to."

"Teen Wolf? What, uh, what's that?" Scott asks, his eyebrows raised in curiosity.

"Oh, right. That part. I kind of forgot to mention that in my world, you guys are celebrities, actors and actresses."

"I've always wanted to be famous!" Stiles laughs and smacks Scott playfully on the shoulder. Scott just rolls his eyes and focuses his attention to Derek. Derek was desperately hoping the group would have some brilliant out-of-the-box solution to bring Alex home safely.

"Derek? How did you meet Alex?"

"Well, I found her sleeping on my living room floor this morning, that's how," Derek's voice was gruff, and his breath came out in short, agitated puffs of air.

"Woah, so did you like come through a portal like in the movies?"

"I have no idea. I was in my bed the night before watching Teen Wolf and then bam, I'm here in the Hale house, with no trace of anyone or anything from my world,"Alex's mind whirled with heart-wrenching thoughts. Her family - her parents, her siblings, her friends - all sitting at home, consumed with worry, wondering what had become of her. The uncertainty of it all was suffocating. Would she ever be able to explain to them what had happened? Would she ever see them again? Her heart ached with a profound homesickness.

"That's terrifying, I couldn't imagine waking up in a stranger's house. Do we have a plan yet?" Allison asks.

"Nope. That's what we called you guys over for. You know a lot about the supernatural and everything within that area, so..."

"Right...We do, but we have never encountered a situation with time travel. This is completely out of our element," Scott replies. He looked around the room, his expression shifting between confusion and disbelief. His mind raced with doubt, wondering if this was all some elaborate prank.

"Stiles seems more optimistic about this than you are, why?"

"I don't know. It's not you... well maybe a little bit, but it just feels weird knowing that we're all celebrities in your world and now we're normal teenagers."

"Not completely normal."

"You know?" Scott's eyebrows shoot up, and his mouth gapes open. Beside him, Derek's head bobbed in a slow nod, his expression grave.

"She knows everything, everything that happened in the past and everything that's going to happen."

"Well, I guess we better come up with a plan so she doesn't get in the crossfire of our messes," Allison sighed and sat down on a half-broken chair as she braced herself for a long night ahead

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