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Chapter 211

    Qiao Qixi thought about it carefully, and suddenly understood the reason why the Tyrannosaurus rex picked up the stone and brought it back.

    He had seen dinosaur eggs in the wild without parental protection several times before, and he had to stay in place for a while, and even helped drive away some egg thieves, such as Dakotaraptor.

    With a Tyrannosaurus rex standing beside him, one look can make Dakotaraptor the shit out of him. Since he is so easy to use, Qiao Qixi always pulls the Tyrannosaurus rex by his side, pretending to be a tiger.

    The Tyrannosaurus rex may not have known he was being used, but he definitely knew that the little ankylosaurus loved dinosaur eggs.

    Qiao Qixi: Uh...that

    ’s not wrong, but he definitely doesn’t want to raise it by himself. It’s not suitable. Whether it’s a herbivorous dragon or a carnivorous dragon growing in their family, the three views will be distorted. What will happen in the future? What about on the mainland?

    So for the sake of the mental health of the next generation, they decided not to have the next generation.

    Coming here, the superhuman dinosaur research project encountered a bottleneck.

    They found that dinosaurs are a group of creatures without rules, and no rules can be used to summarize their lives and habits.

    Carnivorous dragons can live alone or in groups, and they can even form companions with herbivorous dragons and live together for many years.

    The metahuman checks in on this incredible couple every now and then, each time making sure they're still together.

    Later, their eyes gradually focused on the Ankylosaurus. The Tyrannosaurus rex with the Ankylosaurus was still a Tyrannosaurus rex, but the Ankylosaurus rex with the Tyrannosaurus rex gradually became less like an Ankylosaurus. His tall image has surpassed Killed most Ankylosaurus.

    This is a direction worthy of research.

    Ankylosaurus also had some influence on Tyrannosaurus rex. For example, this Tyrannosaurus rex has a mild temper. As long as it is not provoked, the other party will be in a position of being bullied in the process of interacting with Ankylosaurus rex.

    However, superhumans have also seen the scene where the two of them faced the provocateur, and it can only be said that you are a bully or you are a bully, and he is the biggest in this continent.

    After staying with Tyrannosaurus rex for a long time, Ankylosaurus became domineering when encountering intruders, and never flinched.

    Superhuman: Boring.

    Every sample studied is different, so what kind of existence is a dinosaur!

    Human beings have dropped small books countless times.

    In the fifth year of Qiao Qixi's life in the Cretaceous Period, his body also stopped growing, and now he is a taller and handsome little brother Ankylosaurus.

    As he and Tyrannosaurus Rex became more and more powerful, their territory became wider and wider without knowing it...?

    At the beginning, Qiao Qixi didn't know that she had a territory, but later she gradually realized that there were no other carnivorous dragons near the area where she and the Tyrannosaurus rex were sleeping.

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