I - When Darkness Comes

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On his way to Asgard, Killian noticed what seemed to be a lifeless woman on the road. He dismounted his horse and walked toward her. Her hair was as dark as night and her skin as pale as death, but still, when he touched her, he could feel that she was still breathing, barely.

Killian tried to put the 'Jane Doe' on the back of his horse and take her into Asgard where the Beauchamp's family could help her with their healing power. However, the woman was as still as a rock. The warlock tried to wake her up, but it was as if she was in a deep sleep.

Although he was not as powerful as the Beauchamp's, it was only after he began using his healing powers on her that she started to stir. It was like she was pulling the light magic away. Killian thought it was strange, but suddenly the woman grabbed his arm.

"Who are you? Where am I? Where is my son, Henry?" asked the Jane Doe.

"Hey, slow down. You're still very weak. My name is Killian, and you're in Asgard. About your son, I don't know. I found you alone here," answered Killian.

"Killian? Seriously? And Asgard - is this a real place, too?" she asked, looking surprised.

"I guess it is. Otherwise we wouldn't be standing here. Why do act so suprised?" asked Killian.

"Well, now that I think about it, it's not suprising at all. After all, I am the daughter of Snow White and Prince Charming. Who would've guessed? And by the way, my name is Emma, Emma Swan."

"So, Miss Swan, why don't we ride back to town where they can care for you?"

"Who are 'they'?" she asked suspiciously.

"My lover's family, the Beauchamp's."

Killian rode the horse to Asgard with Emma along for the ride. When they finally arrived in Asgard, Emma looked even more suprised than she was when she learned the name of this mysterious warlock. Asgard was something Emma could never have imagined. Everyone was dressed as they were in medieval times, but what was more suprising was the fact that everyone seemed to have magic.

"What is this place?" asked Emma.

"Welcome to Asgard, Miss Swan," replied Killian, "the place where magic was born. Every great sorcerer, warlock or witch that was ever born ends up here. And up there is the Beauchamp's house."

"You mean that Palace?"

"Indeed. Joanna Beauchump is our Queen and the most powerful witch that lives here in Asgard."

"Do you think she can help me?"

"With what?" asked Killian.

"Ah, nevermind. I'll talk to her later."

"It's her majesty, not just 'her'."

"Oh sorry. I am not used to living in a kingdom."

"You better be," said Killian, while smiling.

Emma and Killian entered the great palace's doors. They were made of gold, which wasn't really a suprise because almost everyone in that realm had studied alchemy, the power to turn silver, iron and even copper into gold. The palace had a great hall with paintings of all the great sorcerers and witches that passed through Asgard. Seeing all those pictures gave Emma hope somehow; she was hoping to find someone who could help her.

While Emma was looking around the palace, Freya showed up. She and Killian shared a passionate kiss, until they were interrupted by Freya's sister, Ingrid Beauchamp.

"So who might this young lady be?" asked Ingrid.

"This is Emma Swan. I found her on the road, in pretty bad shape," replied Killian. "Miss Swan, this is my bride, Freya and her sister Ingrid Beauchamp. They're Queen Joanna's daughters."

"Your Majesties, it's a pleasure to meet you," said Emma very nervously.

"Killian, what have you done again?" said Freya while looking to Killian and Killian just smiled. "There are no titles here my dear, you can calls us Freya and Ingrid.

"I was just joking with you," Killian added.

"Oh, so you're fine with just that?" asked Emma, while Ingrid and Freya nodded with their head. "Killian told me about your mother, the Queen. He said she was the most powerful witch here in Asgard.

"So, that's what they say about me?" interrupted Joanna.

They all stared down the hall. Joanna had just entered the Palace. She was wearing a white dress, which made Emma remember the Snow Queen.

"Mom, we didn't expect you this early," said Ingrid.

"Well, my dear, things in Camelot weren't as I expected them to be, but let's not talk about this now. I see we have a guest."

Freya started to answer: "Oh, Mom, this is.."

"Emma. My name is Emma, and I need your help."

Joanna and Emma went to a private room to talk.

"Tell me my dear, what can I do for you?" asked Joanna.

"Moments after I showed up in here I was consumed by darkness," said Emma. But Joanna didn't looked suprised at all.

"There's no need to tell me more. I know what happened to you. Your pale face and black hair are clear signs that your soul is being consumed by the darkest darkness that has ever been or ever will be."

"So can you help me?" asked a hopeful Emma.

When Emma asked that, the door opened and Wendy came in.

"I am afraid that even a powerful witch like my sister can't help you," answered Wendy.

"But do you know someone who can?"

"There's only one person who can help you: the same person who helped my sister to get out of Purgatory."

"Who?" asked Emma.

"Merlin," both answered.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2015 ⏰

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