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enchanted - taylor swift



"Look! It is my spirit sister!" You pointed at the tulkun who popped her head out of the water, squealing in greeting.

The girl grinned wide and hopped off the ilu, diving down into the waters to see her, leaving the forest Navi behind in her haste.

' Y/N, it has been too long' the tulkun, named Maileik - clicked at her, swimming closer towards the girl.

The creature took notice of the boy who swam nearby behind her, one that looked much different compared to the Metkayina.

'Who is this?' she asked curiously, eying the stranger.

'This is Neteyam. He is of the Omaticaya clan, in the forest' you signed to your sister, turning around to wave the mentioned boy over and holding her hand out. Neteyam swam over and grabbed onto it, using it to propel himself next to her, he looked at the tulkun and smiled, never having seen something so amazing.

"Hello Neteyam of the forest clan" the creatures high pitched noises made the Omaticayan's ear twitch, not used to the sounds, he was also slightly confused with what she was saying.

"Maileik says hello" you translated for Neteyam who nodded, using his fingers to sign back a hello and an apology for not being able to properly communicate.

You grinned at him "you will learn", she then went closer to the tulkun, dragging Neteyam with her and holding onto Lafey's large fin "let us swim together!"

The creature moved her tail and they glided across the waters, admiring the view of the Metkayina reconnecting with their brothers and sisters.

Tulkuns introducing their newly bred calfs and the Navi doing the same, you saw your mother, Ronal, signing to her own spirit sister, catching the words "my child is strong'

Neteyam has never seen anything more amazing, his clan from the forest never really connected to sentient beings like this, sure they had their ikran.
But the tulkun were not banshees.

He spotted his sisters with Rotxo, holding onto his spirit brothers fin and swimming through the waters. Large grins on their faces as they glided, having fun.

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